Contribution Guide
Have you found a defect ( bug or design flaw ), or do you wish improvements? In the following sections, you might find some useful information on how you can help this project. In any case, I thank you for taking the time to help me improve this project's deliverables and overall quality.
Bug Report
If you have found a bug, please report it on GitHub. When reporting the bug, do consider the following:
- Where is the defect located
- A good, short and precise description of the defect (Why is it a defect)
- How to replicate the defect
- (A possible solution for how to resolve the defect)
When time permits it, I will review your issue and take action upon it.
Security Vulnerability
Please read the Security Policy.
Feature Request
If you have an idea for a new feature or perhaps changing an existing, feel free to create a feature request. Should you feel unsure whether your idea is good or not, then perhaps you could start a discussion.
Fork, code and send pull-request
If you wish to fix a bug, add new feature, or perhaps change an existing, then please follow this guideline
- Fork this project
- Create a new local development branch for the given fix, addition or change
- Write your code / changes
- Create executable test-cases (prove that your changes are solid!)
- Commit and push your changes to your fork-repository
- Send a pull-request with your changes (please check "Allow edits from maintainers")
- Drink a Beer - you earned it 😃
As soon as I receive the pull-request (and have time for it), I will review your changes and merge them into this project. If not, I will inform you why I choose not to.