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The Loader component is able to load various types of configuration files and parse them into a Laravel Repositoryopen in new window.

Supported File Types

File Extension
*.php (php array)
*.yml (also *.yaml) (requires symfony/yamlopen in new window)


Inside Laravel

If you are using this component inside a typical Laravel application, then all you have to do, is to register ConfigLoaderServiceProvider. In your configs/app.php, register the service provider.

return [

    // ... previous not shown ... //

    | Autoloaded Service Providers

    'providers' => [


        // ... remaining services not shown ... //

Once you have registered the service, you can obtain an instance of the configuration Loader via ConfigLoaderTrait.

use Aedart\Config\Traits\ConfigLoaderTrait;

class MyConfigLoadService
    use ConfigLoaderTrait;
    public function load()
        $loader = $this->getConfigLoader();

Outside Laravel

Should you decide to use this component outside a Laravel application, then you need to setup a few dependencies, before able to load configuration.

use Aedart\Config\Loader;
use Aedart\Config\Parsers\Factories\FileParserFactory;
use Illuminate\Config\Repository;
use Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem;

$loader = new Loader();

$loader->setConfig(new Repository());
$loader->setFile(new Filesystem());
$loader->setParserFactory(new FileParserFactory());

Load Configuration Files

To load and parse configuration files, set the directory where the files are located and invoke the load() method.


$repository = $loader->getConfig();


When used inside a Laravel application, the loaded configuration is merged into the application's existing configuration.

Nested Directories

The Loader will automatically scan through nested directories and attempt to load and parse each found file. Imagine the following structure.


Once these files are loaded, the nested directories then become part of the configuration name. This means that if you need to access the property width, inside box.json, then you must state the full name for it.

$repository = $loader->getConfig();

$width = $repository->get('');

For more information about how to access the loaded configuration, please review Laravel's documentationopen in new window or review the Repository source codeopen in new window.