You are viewing documentation for an outdated version. It is no longer supported!

Release Notes

Support Policy

Athenaeum attempts to follow a release cycle that matches closely to that of Laravelopen in new window. However, due to limited amount of project maintainers, no guarantees can be provided.

VersionPHPLaravelReleaseSecurity Fixes Until
7.x8.1 - 8.2v10.x~1st Quarter 2023February 2024
6.x*8.0 - 8.1v9.xApril 5th, 2022February 2023
5.x7.4v8.xOctober 4th, 2020N/A
4.x7.4v7.xApril 15th, 2020N/A
< 4.x--See CHANGELOG.mdN/A

*: current supported version.

TBD: "To be decided".

v6.x Highlights

These are some the new features of Athenaeum v6.x.

PHP v8 and Laravel v9.x

Athenaeum has been upgraded to usePHP v8.0 and Laravel v9.xopen in new window. Furthermore, PHP v8.1 is also supported.

Improved Documentation

Several improvements have been made throughout the documentation. From version 6.x, a Security Policy, Code of Conduct and an improved Contribution Guide is made available.

Union Types support in DTO

The Dto and ArrayDto now support union typesopen in new window for their properties. When populating a DTO, the most suitable match will bre chosen.

class Person extends ArrayDto
    protected array $allowed = [
        'name' => 'string|null',

class Organisation extends Dto
    protected array $allowed = [
        'name' => 'string|null',
        'slogan' => 'string|null',

class Record extends Dto
    protected array $allowed = [
        'reference' => ['string', Person::class, Organisation::class, 'null'],

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //

// Reference is a string...
    'reference' => 'https:://'
echo gettype($record->reference); // string

// Reference becomes a Person...
    'reference' => [ 'name' => 'Jane Jensen' ]
echo ($record->reference instanceof Person); // true

// Reference becomes an Organisation...
    'reference' => [ 'name' => 'Acme', 'slogan' => 'Building stuff...' ]
echo ($record->reference instanceof Organisation); // true

See Union Type Handling documentation for additional examples.


A package that offers an extended version of PSR-7'sopen in new window defined StreamInterface; a wrapper for common stream operations, mostly intended for file streams.

use Aedart\Streams\FileStream;

$stream = FileStream::open('my-file.txt')
    ->put('Hi there');

$more = FileStream::openMemory()
    ->put("\nMore things to show...")


echo (string) $stream; // Hi there
                       // More things to show...

MIME-types detection

The MIME-types packages offers a way to detect a file's MIME-type based on a small sample of its contents.

use Aedart\MimeTypes\Detector;

$file = fopen('my-picture.jpg', 'rb');
$mimeType = (new Detector())->detect($file);

Maintenance Modes

A new Maintenance Modes package has been added, which offers a few additional drivers that can be used for storing application downopen in new window state.

Where not in slug...

The \Aedart\Database\Models\Concerns\Slugs concern now offers a whereSlugNotIn() query scopeopen in new window method.

// ...inside your Eloquent model

$result = $query
    ->whereSlugNotIn(['alpha', 'beta', 'gamma'])

Validate JSON

The Json utility has been given a new method, which can be used to determine if a value is a valid JSON encoded string.

use Aedart\Utils\Json;

echo Json::isValid('{ "name": "Sven" }'); // true

Memory Util

A new Memory util component has been added. It offers a few methods to help you deal with conversion and formatting.

use Aedart\Utils\Memory;

$unit = Memory::from('3 MB');
echo $unit->toKibibyte(); // 2929.7

// ...or create from bytes...
echo Memory::unit(482504)->legacyFormat(); // 471.2 kB

See component documentation for more examples.

Purpose change of Core Application

Perhaps a less important highlight, but still worth mentioning, is that the purpose of the Core Application package has changed from Athenaeum v6.x. The Core Application package was originally developed to act as a "bridge" for integrating Laravel components and services into legacy applications. This is no longer the case. Version 6.x requires a minimum of PHP v8.0 and it does not feel right to presume that the Core Application can be used as originally intended (see original motivation in version v4.x).

From version 6.x, the Core Application is intended for the following purposes:

  • Testing
  • Tinkering
  • Development of non-essential standalone applications

If you are using the Core Application, for its original intent, then you are strongly encouraged to consider redesigning your application, e.g. rewrite your application using Laravelopen in new window or other appropriate framework.


Make sure to read the changelogopen in new window for additional information about the latest release, new features, changes and bug fixes.