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The Json component offers a few JSONopen in new window utilities. It uses PHP's native json_encode()open in new window and json_decode()open in new window.

Encoding and Decoding

The encode() and decode() methods will automatically throw a \JsonException open in new window, if encoding or decoding fails. It does so by setting the JSON_THROW_ON_ERRORopen in new window bitmask option, when invoked.

use Aedart\Utils\Json;

$encoded = Json::encode([
    'name'  => 'Reilly',
    'age'   => 32

// ------------------------------------------ //

$decoded = Json::decode('{"name":"Michele Rodriguez","age":4}');


You can also validate if a value is a valid JSON encoded string, using the isValid() method.

echo Json::isValid('{ "name": "Sven" }'); // true

echo Json::isValid('{ "name": "Sven"');   // false