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Custom Generator

While the GenericGenerator is able to create a hash of all kinds of data, it might not be the most suitable for your needs. It comes with a cost. The default generator must determine the given data type, and attempt to return a string representation of that data. This can take some processing power.

Depending on your needs, it could be more prudent to create your own Generator.

How to create

Assuming that your generator also must hash content, using two available hashing algorithms (for "weak" and "strong" comparison), then the easiest way to create your own generator is by extending the BaseGenerator.

The following example assumes that your application has a Person data-type/component, and you wish to create a custom Generator that is able to create Etag representation of each Person instance.

namespace Acme\ETags\Generators;

use Aedart\ETags\Exceptions\UnableToGenerateETag;
use Aedart\ETags\Generators\BaseGenerator;
use Acme\Data\Person;

class PersonGenerator extends BaseGenerator
    public function resolveContent(mixed $content, bool $weak = true): string
        // Fail when content is not a Person...
        if (!($content instanceof Person)) {
            throw new UnableToGenerateETag('Content must be instance of Person');
        // Return content for ETag flagged as weak ("weak" comparison)
        if ($weak) {
            return "{$person->name}";
        // Return content for ETag NOT flagged as weak ("strong" comparison)
        return "{$person->name}_{$person->email}";

The resolveContent() method is responsible for returning a string value which is then hashed using either of the previously mentioned hashing algorithms. Note that you are free to completely ignore the $weak argument and return whatever string representation of the content, as you see fit.


Inside your config/etags.php, add a new profile that uses your custom generator, and specify your desired hashing algorithms.

return [
    // ...previous not shown ...

    'profiles' => [

        // Add your generator as a new "profile"
        'persons' => [
            'driver' => \Acme\ETags\Generators\PersonGenerator::class,
            'options' => [
                'weak_algo' => 'adler32',
                'strong_algo' => 'md5',

How to obtain generator

Once your custom generator and configuration are in order, then you can obtain it by its profile name.

// Using factory
$generator = $factory->profile('persons');

// Or via facade
$generator = Generator::profile('persons');