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The Origin of Athenaeum

Some years ago, I started to develop packages and make them public via packagistopen in new window. They were nothing special, but they helped me achieve a few tasks a bit faster or in a more desirable manner. After a while, a few packages became many. Whenever I had to upgrade them, it took more and more of my spare time. Therefore, I decided to create a single repository, in hopes that it would become much easier to maintain. Sadly, as a consequence of this, the list of dependencies grew. A few of my friends and colleagues made me aware, that I had gone against good package development principles. Due to this, I spent time to reshape Athenaeum into a true mono repositoryopen in new window (since version v4.0).

Meaning of "Athenaeum"

"[...] Used in the titles of periodicals concerned with literature, science, and art. [...]" (Lexicoopen in new window)