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The "streams" package offers an extended version of PSR-7'sopen in new window defined StreamInterface; a wrapper for common stream operations, mostly intended for file streams.

use Aedart\Streams\FileStream;

$stream = FileStream::open('my-file.txt')
    ->put('Hi there');

$more = FileStream::openMemory()
    ->put("\nMore things to show...")


echo (string) $stream; // Hi there
                       // More things to show...


There are many good alternatives to this package. Sadly, some of those alternatives makes it unreasonably difficult to extend their offered functionality. Therefore, while this package offers similar or identical functionality as some of those alternatives, it allows you (and encourages you) to extend the functionality that is provided by this package.

use Aedart\Streams\FileStream;

class TranscriptFileStream extends FileStream
    // ...your domain-specific logic here ...