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The Audit Trail package relies on events for recording changes in models. By default, each model that makes use of the RecordsChanges will automatically record certain types of operations, e.g. when you save your model. However, it is unable to record all types of operations, especially if you have added custom operations inside your models. To overcome this, you can choose to manually dispatch appropriate events, which will ensure recording.

Record Single Change

To record a single change manually, dispatch the predefined ModelHasChanged event.

use Aedart\Audit\Traits\RecordsChanges
use Aedart\Audit\Events\ModelHasChanged;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;

class Category extends Model
    use RecordsChanges;
    // E.g. a custom operation in your model
    public function moveCategory()
        // ... move logic not shown here...
        // Obtain current authenticated user (optional)
        $user = Auth::user();
        // Record "move" operation
            'category moved' // the type of change...

For additional information, please review source code of Aedart\Audit\Events\ModelHasChanged.

Record Changes for Multiple models

To record changes for multiple models, you can dispatch the MultipleModelsChanged event.

use Aedart\Audit\Events\MultipleModelsChanged;

// Obtain models that are about to be changed...
$categories = Category
            ->where('has_discount', true)

// Make and save your changes ... not shown here...

// Record changes for all changed models.
MultipleModelsChanged::dispatch($categories, Auth::user(), 'discount removed');

Review source code of Aedart\Audit\Events\MultipleModelsChanged, for additional information.