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Should you require a uniform way to populate (hydrate) your objects, e.g. a model or a dtoopen in new window, then the Populatable interface is a good way to go. The populate() method allows you to hydrate your object using an array.

use Aedart\Contracts\Utils\Populatable;

class Box implements Populatable
    public function populate(array $data = []) : static
        foreach($data as $name => $value){
            // Populate your object... not shown here
        return $this;

Verify Required Properties

A quick way to ensure that your objects are populated with the correct properties, is by using the verifyRequired() method, via the PopulateHelper. It will automatically throw an \Exception, in case that a required property is missing.

State the name of the required properties, as the 2nd argument for the verifyRequired() method.

use Aedart\Contracts\Utils\Populatable;
use Aedart\Utils\Helpers\PopulateHelper;

class Box implements Populatable
    public function populate(array $data = []) : static
        // Fail if "width" and "height" properties are missing
        PopulateHelper::verifyRequired($data, [
        // ...Do something with data...
        return $this;


verifyRequired() is not intended to be a saturated validation method for input. Please consider using a Validatoropen in new window, if you plan to populate objects with data received from a request or other untrusted source.