You are viewing documentation for an outdated version. It is no longer supported!


The Version utility is able to determine if a version is available for an installed package and obtain it.


Returns the version of the given installed package.

\Aedart\Contracts\Utils\Packages\Exceptions\PackageVersionException is thrown if the given package is not installed or unable to find version information.

use Aedart\Utils\Version;

$version = Version::package('aedart/athenaeum-utils');

echo (string) $version; // E.g. 6.0.0 


Determine if a version is available for the given installed package.

If the package isn't installed, the method will simply return false.

$hasVersion = Version::hasFor('aedart/athenaeum-utils'); 


The application() method returns the root package's version (your application).

$version = Version::application(); 

Version file

Available since v6.1.x

By default, the application() method will return the root package's version, obtained via composer. If this does not work for you, then you can choose to specify a "version file" as argument.

Version file


Version from file

$version = Version::application('/path/to/version.txt');

The Utils package also comes with an example "build version" executable, which you could use as inspiration for building your own version file automatically. The executable uses Git to obtain the latest version. Please review the source code of Utils/bin/build-version for more information.


You can also use jean85/pretty-package-versionsopen in new window or Composer's runtime utilitiesopen in new window, to obtain version information for installed packages.