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Eloquent Models

Although the default provided Generator is able to create an etag representation of your Eloquent Modelsopen in new window, it is NOT the best suited (nor fastest) approach.

When creating an Etag for an Eloquent model, the default generator (GenericGenerator) will use the model's properties returned by toArray() and attempt to make a string representation of the entire array's content. It will work, but it can be very costly in terms of performance.

use Aedart\ETags\Facades\Generator;

$etag = Generator::make($model); // Uses all properties returned by toArray()

If you are able to generalise what properties to use when creating etags, for all of your Eloquent Models, then you can create a custom generator for your models. Alternatively, if you need to customise what properties must be used, per model, then the following approach could be better suitable.

Customise Model ETag value

This packages comes with a EloquentEtag trait, which enables your models to specify what value should be used, when creating an ETag representation of the given model.

Consider the following example:

namespace App\Models;

use Aedart\ETags\Concerns\EloquentEtag;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class User extends Model
    use EloquentEtag;
    public function etagValue(bool $weak = true): mixed
        $id = $this->getKey() ?? '';
        $updatedAt = optional($this->updated_at)->toRfc3339String(true) ?? '';
        if ($weak) {
            return "users_{$id}_{$updatedAt}";

        $email = $this->email ?? '';
        return "users_{$id}_{$email}_{$updatedAt}";

Note: For the sake of the example, an additional property is added (email) when value is to be used for a "strong comparison" etag. Feel free to ignore $weak if you do not require such logic.

Later in your application, you can simply invoke getEtag(), getStrongEtag() or getWeakEtag() to create an etag representation of your model.

$etagA = $model->getStrongEtag();
$etagB = $model->getWeakEtag();

echo (string) $etagA; // E.g. "5af037bcfaaaf3bcc564004f22362c9274434512"
echo (string) $etagB; // E.g. W/"846b00e9"

The etagValue() method


By default, you are not required to implement / overwrite the etagValue() method.However, it is recommended that you do overwrite this method and return the value(s) that best fit your needs.

Furthermore, you SHOULD handle situations when your model instance does not have the required attributes to return a value. E.g. by throwing an exception or default other appropriate behaviour.