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Each Api Resource contains a self-link; a URL for showing the individual model. This can be handy for Api Clients when they must automate retrieval of individual resources.

Route Name

By default, the self-link is generated based on the following assumptions:

  • Api Resource has a named route
  • The route's name is "[plural-resource-type].show", e.g.
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use App\Http\Resources\AddressResource;
use App\Models\Address;

Route::get('/addresses/{id}', function ($id) {
    return new AddressResource(Address::findOrFail($id));

If you follow a different naming convention, then you can overwrite the resourceRouteName() method to specify a different route name.

// ...inside your Api Resource...

public function resourceRouteName(): string
    $type = $this->type(); // Resource type (singular form)

    return "show.{$type}";

Custom Callback

Alternatively, you can also specify a callback for a single Api Resource instance, when you need to change or set its self-link. This can be done by using the withSelfLink() method.

Route::get('/addresses/{id}', function ($id) {
    return AddressResource::make(Address::findOrFail($id))
        ->withSelfLink(fn () => 'my-address-url')