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The Api Resource Registrar is responsible for keeping track of each Eloquent Model's corresponding ApiResource. This component is, amongst other things, used to automatically find a relation's corresponding ApiResource.

Registration of Api Resources

Your registration should primarily be undertaken inside your config/api-resources.php. See how to register Api Resource introduction.

Nevertheless, the remaining of this sections will illustrate how to work with the Registrar, so that you may use it for more advanced approaches, if such is needed.

Obtain Registra instance

The Registrar component is bound as a singleton in the Service Container of your application. To obtain the instance, you can use ApiResourceRegistrarTrait.

use Aedart\Http\Api\Traits\ApiResourceRegistrarTrait;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class UsersController {
    use ApiResourceRegistrarTrait;
    public function index(Request $request){
        $registrar = $this->getApiResourceRegistrar();
        // ...remaining not shown...

Register single Api Resource

If you wish to manually register a single Api Resource, for an Eloquent Model, use the set() method.

use App\Http\Resources\AddressResource;
use App\Models\Address;

$registrar->set(Address::class, AddressResource::class);

Register multiple Api Resources

To register a list of Api Resources, use register(). The method accepts an array of key-values;

  • key = class path to your eloquent model
  • value = class path to the model's corresponding Api Resource
    Address::class => AddressResource::class,
    User::class => UserResource::class,
    Book::class => BookResource::class

Determine if Model has an Api Resource

The has() method can be used to determine if a model has an Api Resource registered. It accepts either a class path to an Eloquent Model or a Model instance.

echo $registrar->has(Address::class); // 1

Get Api Resource

The get() method returns a string class path to the registered Api Resource. If no Api Resource was registered for given model, then the method returns null.

echo $registrar->get(Address::class); // \App\Http\Resources\AddressResource

Find Api Resource by Type

To find an Api Resource (class path) by its type, use findResourceByType(). Method accepts a resource's string type in either singular or plural form. If an Api Resource exists for the given type, then its class path is returned. Null is returned if no Api Resource was found.

// Type in singular form
echo $registrar->findResourceByType('address'); // \App\Http\Resources\AddressResource

// Type in plural form
echo $registrar->findResourceByType('users'); // \App\Http\Resources\UserResource

Find Model by Resource Type

It is also possible to find the Eloquent Model of an Api Resource, by searching for the resource type via the findModelByType() method.

// Type in singular form
echo $registrar->findModelByType('address'); // \App\Models\Address

// Type in plural form
echo $registrar->findModelByType('users'); // \App\Models\User

Remove Api Resource

Should you be required to remove an Api Resource for a given model, then you can do so via the forget() method. The method will return true when Api Resource and successfully removed, for the given model. If not, false is returned.

echo $registrar->forget(Address::class); // 1