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Open and Close

How to open


Use the open() method to open a stream to a file or URL.

use Aedart\Streams\FileStream;

$stream = FileStream::open('recipients.txt', 'r+b');

Behind the scene, PHP's fopen()open in new window is used.


To open a stream to php://memory, use the openMemory() method.

$stream = FileStream::openMemory();

See PHP Documentationopen in new window for additional details.


You may also open a stream to php://temp, by using openTemporary()

$stream = FileStream::openTemporary();

To specify the maximum memory limit, before PHP's internal mechanisms write to a physical file, use the 2nd argument.

$stream = FileStream::openTemporary('r+b', 5 * 1024 * 1024);

See PHP Documentationopen in new window for additional details.

Existing resource

If you already have an existing resource to a file or URL, you can "wrap" it into a stream component, by using the make() method.

$resource = fopen('team.txt', 'w+b');

// ...Later in your application...
$stream = Stream::make($resource);

Existing PSR-Stream

Use the makeFrom() method when you need to wrap an existing StreamInterface component.

$stream = Stream::makeFrom($psrStream);


The makeFrom() will automatically detach the given StreamInterface component's underlying resource. This means that you will no longer be able to use the provided PSR stream instance.


Lastly, you may also open a stream after you have created a Stream or FileStream, using a callback. The openUsing() accepts a callback, which must return a valid resource of the type "stream".

use Aedart\Streams\FileStream;

$stream = new FileStream();

// ...later in your application...
$stream->openUsing(function() {
    return fopen('countries.txt', 'rb');


openUsing() will fail if the stream instance already has a valid resource specified (when the stream is already open). Use the isOpen() method to determine if a stream can be opened.

if (!$stream->isOpen()) {
    $stream->openUsing(function() {
        return fopen('countries.txt', 'rb');
} else {
    // something else...


Not supported

Cloning an existing stream instance is not supported and will result in StreamException to be thrown.

$stream = FileStream::open('locations.txt', 'r');
$clone = clone $stream; // Fails - StreamException is thrown!

How to close

Close stream

When you need to close a stream, invoke the close() method. The underlying resource will be detached and closed using PHP's fclose()open in new window.


Detaching resource

If you do not wish to close the stream, but you want to detach - to separate the underlying resource, from the stream instance, then you can use the detach() method.

$resource = $stream->detach();

// instance is now useless!


When you detach the underlying resource from the stream, the stream instance becomes useless. You SHOULD avoid reusing or reopening a resource, when such is the case.

Not recommended

The following example is NOT recommended (even though it is possible)!

$resource = $stream->detach();

// ...later... attempt to re-open using same resource
// and same stream instance - NOT RECOMMENDED!
$stream->openUsing(fn () => $resource);

Future versions of Stream and FileStream may prohibit this behaviour.