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Cached Permissions

By default, all permissions and their associated roles are cached by the ACL Registrar, which you can use in your AuthServiceProvider, to define the permissions and how to resolve them (See setup for additional information). In this section, you will find a brief introduction for how to manage the cache permissions.


In your config/acl.php configuration file, you will find a cache setting. Here you can customise what cache store to use, how long permissions & roles should be cached, and what key-prefix should be used.


return [

    // ... previous not shown ...

    | Cache

    'cache' => [

        // Name of the cache store (driver profile) to use.
        'store' => 'default',

        // Time-to-live for cached permissions. (seconds)
        'ttl' => 60 * 60,

        // Cache key name to use for permissions
        'key' => 'acl.permissions'

When changing permissions and roles

When you change your permissions or roles in the database, you will be required to flush the cached counterparts manually. The ACL Registrar offers a convenient way of doing so, via the flush() method.

In the following example, it is assumed that a web-interface exists for managing users' roles. Once a role has been updated, the cached permissions & roles can be cleared by invoking the mentioned flush() method.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Models\Roles;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Aedart\Acl\Traits\RegistrarTrait;

class RolesController extends Controller
    use RegistrarTrait;
    public function update(Request $request, Role $role)
        // ... update logic not shown ...
    // ... remaining not shown ...

No auto-flush offered

The current ACL package does not offer any automatic way of flushing the cached permissions & roles. Should you require such logic, then you may accomplish this via Eloquent's eventsopen in new window and event observersopen in new window.