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Basic Usage

Switch Maintenance Mode Driver

By default, Laravel uses a "file based" maintenance mode. This means that each time you invoke php artisan down, a down file is created inside your application storage, e.g. storage/framework/down. The application checks if this file exists and prevents, amongst other things, http requests from proceeding.

If you wish to change the maintenance mode "driver", you could do so via a custom service provider.

Custom Service Provider

Inside your application, create and register a service provider that replaces the default bound \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\MaintenanceMode, with another driver.


namespace Acme\Providers;

use Aedart\Maintenance\Modes\Traits\MaintenanceModeManagerTrait;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\MaintenanceMode;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

class SwitchMaintenanceMode extends ServiceProvider
    use MaintenanceModeManagerTrait;

    public function register()
        // Overwrite Laravel's default maintenance mode driver...
            fn() => $this->getMaintenanceModeManager()->driver('json')

The above code ensures to use a "json file based" maintenance mode driver, whenever the application is taken down. For additional information, please review Laravel's documentation about maintenance modes.