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MIME-Type Detection

The Database Adapter uses the MIME-Type Detector package to detect files' MIME-Type. When a file is written, the MIME-Type is automatically detected at set.


The MIME-Type Detector package behaves differently than league/mime-type-detectionopen in new window. It does not offer any fallback mechanism that uses a file's extension. MIME-Type is detected ONLY via a file's content!

Specify Custom MIME-Type

You can choose to provide a custom MIME-Type via the $config array argument, when writing a file.

$filesystem->write('books/great_new_world.txt', '...', [
    'mime_type' => 'application/ext-custom'

Custom MIME-Type Detector Callback

Alternatively, if the default provided MIME-Type detection mechanism is not to your liking, then you can specify a custom callback to perform detection. The following example shows how you switch the default detection to league/mime-type-detectionopen in new window.

use Aedart\Contracts\Streams\FileStream;
use League\Flysystem\Config;
use League\MimeTypeDetection\FinfoMimeTypeDetector;

$adapter->detectMimeTypeUsing(function(FileStream $stream, Config $config) {
    $detector = new FinfoMimeTypeDetector();

    $content = $stream->read(512);
    $uri = $stream->uri();

    return $detector->detectMimeType($uri, $content);

The callback MUST return a string MIME-Type or null, if unable to detect.