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All DTOs are Json serializable, meaning that they inherit from the JsonSerializableopen in new window interface. This means that when using json_encode(), the DTO automatically ensures that its properties are serializable by the encoding method.

$person = new Person([
    'name' => 'Rian Dou',
    'age' => 29

echo json_encode($person);

The above example will output the following Json string;

    "name":"Rian Dou",


You can also perform json serialization directly on the DTO, by invoking the toJson() method.

$person = new Person([
    'name' => 'Rian Dou',
    'age' => 29

echo $person->toJson(); // The same as invoking json_encode($person);

Populate from Json

To populate a DTO directly from a Json string, use the fromJson() method.

$json = '{"name":"Miss Mossie Wehner Sr.","age":28}';

$person = Person::fromJson($json);

echo $person->name; // Miss Mossie Wehner Sr.


fromJson() returns a new DTO instance.