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Basic Usage

Obtain Http Client

To obtain a Http Client instance, use the HttpClientsManager. It can be obtained via HttpClientsManagerTrait.

use Aedart\Http\Clients\Traits\HttpClientsManagerTrait;

class WeatherController
    use HttpClientsManagerTrait;
    public function index()
        $client = $this->getHttpClientsManager()->profile();
        // ...remaining not shown

Obtain Specific Client Profile

In order to obtain a Http Client profile, state the profile name as argument for the profile() method.

$myClient = $this->getHttpClientsManager()->profile('my-client-profile');

Perform Http Requests

Each method that performs a request will return a PSR-7open in new window ResponseInterface.


Use get() to make a Http GETopen in new window request.

$response = $client->get('/users');

Use head() to make a Http HEADopen in new window request.

$response = $client->head('/users');


Use post() to make a Http POSTopen in new window request.

$response = $client->post('/users', [
    'name' => 'John Doe',
    'job'  => 'developer'


Use put() to make a Http PUTopen in new window request.

$response = $client->put('/users/421', [
    'name' => 'Jim Orion',
    'job'  => 'architect'


Use delete() to make a Http DELETEopen in new window request.

$response = $client->delete('/users/7742');


Use options() to make a Http OPTIONSopen in new window request.

$response = $client->options('/users');


Use patch() to make a Http PATCHopen in new window request.

$response = $client->patch('/users/4487', [
    'name' => 'Isabella Amelia Thomason',
    'job'  => 'lead designer'

Generic Request

The request() method allows you to perform a generic Http request. It accepts three arguments:

$response = $client->request('PATCH', '/users/1247', [
    'json' => [
        'name' => 'Emma Jackson',
        'job'  => 'junior developer'