You are viewing documentation for an outdated version. It is no longer supported!

Upgrade Guide

From version 3.x to 4.x.

Laravel v7.6.x

Upgraded the illuminate/* packages to version ^7.6.x. Please review Laravel's upgrade guideopen in new window for additional information.

Symfony v5.x

Upgraded the symfony/* packages to version ^5.x. Please review Symfony's upgrade guideopen in new window for additional information.

Http Client Redesigned

On the surface, the Http Client remains almost the same. Using all the request methods still work as in previous version. However, when using the fluent methods, such as withHeaders(), a Http Query Builder is returned instead of the Http Client

// Version 3.x - \Aedart\Contracts\Http\Clients\Client returned
$client = $client->withHeaders([ 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' ]);

// Now (version 4.x) - \Aedart\Contracts\Http\Clients\Requests\Builder returned
$builder = $client->withHeaders([ 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' ]); 

The Builder is still connected the Client instance, which will continue to allow method chaining.

Custom Http Client

If you created your own custom Http Client, based on Athenaeum v3.x, then you are unfortunately forced to migrate your changes into a new custom client. Chances are very high that your client will not work, due to the heavy redesign of the existing client class.

IoC vs. app binding

\Aedart\Container\IoC no longer highjacks Laravel's app binding automatically, when getInstance() is invoked. This was used to get some of Laravel's components to work outside the scope of a Laravel application. Yet, this was a "hack" that potentially could lead to conflicted with Laravel's Application class, which was never intended.

If you rely on this behaviour, e.g. in your tests, then you now need to invoke registerAsApplication() manually, in order to register the IoC as the app binding.

// Version 3.x - `app` binding highjacked!
$ioc = \Aedart\Container\IoC::getInstance();

// Now (version 4.x) - you must manually declare that you wish 
// to register IoC as the `app` binding.
$ioc = \Aedart\Container\IoC::getInstance();


You should NOT invoke registerAsApplication() if you are using the IoC component within a Laravel application. It will highjack the app binding, which will cause your application to behave unfavourable.

Deprecated Dto abstractions

\Aedart\Dto abstraction has been deprecated and will be removed in next major version. It has been replaced by \Aedart\Dto\Dto.

\Aedart\ArrayDto abstraction has also been deprecated. It's replaced by \Aedart\Dto\ArrayDto.

Deprecated Mixed Aware-of Helpers

All Aware-of helpers found within the Aedart\Support\Properties\Mixed are now deprecated. The term Mixed has been a soft-reserved keywordopen in new window since PHP v7.0, and there is a chance that PHP might use this keyword in the future. These helper will be removed in the next major version. The equivalent is true for the corresponding interfaces, found in the Aedart\Contracts\Support\Properties\Mixed namespace.

You can find replacements within the Aedart\Support\Properties\Mixes and Aedart\Contracts\Support\Properties\Mixes namespaces.

// Version 3.x - deprecated Aware-of Helpers
use Aedart\Contracts\Support\Properties\Mixed\HtmlAware;
use Aedart\Support\Properties\Mixed\HtmlTrait;

// Now (version 4.x)
use Aedart\Contracts\Support\Properties\Mixes\HtmlAware;
use Aedart\Support\Properties\Mixes\HtmlTrait; 

Deprecated Scaffold Commands

\Aedart\Console\CommandBase, \Aedart\Console\AwareOfScaffoldCommand and \Aedart\Console\CreateAwareOfCommand have been deprecated. These commands will be removed in next major version. Replacements are available within the Support package.

The original commands are still available using the athenaeum console application.

Testing Packages

Codeceptionopen in new window and Orchestra Testbenchopen in new window are now defined as dev-dependencies. If you relied on these packages, then you need to manually require them in your composer.json. This change will only affect you, if you continue to use the full aedart/athenaeum (discouraged, you should use the individual packages instead).


You can review other changes in the changelogopen in new window.