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Filters Builder

A filter builder is responsible for invoking all assigned processors, given that matching http query parameters are matched.

How to create a Filter Builder

Extend the BaseBuilder abstraction and implement the processors() method. The output of the method is expected to be a map of http query parameters and corresponding processors that must be applied, if parameters are received.

use Aedart\Filters\BaseBuilder;

class UserFiltersBuilder extends BaseBuilder
    public function processors(): array
        // Key = http query parameter, value = parameter processor...
        return [
            'search' => MySearchProcessor::make(),
            'name' => TextProcessor::make(),
            'created_at' => DateProcessor::make(),
            'sort' => SortProcessor::make()
            // ...etc

How to use Builder

Once you have created your builder, you can instantiate a new instance in your Form Requestopen in new window. The after validation hookopen in new window is a possible place, where you can create a new builder instance. However, feel free to initialise your builder where it suits you the most.

Call the build() method to trigger the processing of http query parameters. The method returns the BuiltFiltersMap DTO, which contains all query filters that must be applied.

use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;

class ListUsersRequest exends FormRequest
    public ?BuiltFiltersMap $filters = null;

    public function afterValidation(Validator $validator)
        $this->filters = UserFiltersBuilder::make($this)

    // ... remaining not shown ...

Apply filters on model

To apply all query filters, use the applyFilters(), in your Eloquent model. See query filters documentation for additional information.

// ... inside your controller...
$filters = $request->filters->all();
$result = Users::applyFilters($filters)->get();

Force run Processor

By default, if received http query parameters do not match any of the names stated in the processors() method's resulting array, then processors are not invoked. If you wish to change this behavior, then us the force() method on those processors that always must be triggered, regardless of matching query parameters are received or not.

class UserFiltersBuilder extends BaseBuilder
    public function processors(): array
        return [
            // Force run processor, regardless if "sort"
            // was submitted or not...      
            'sort' => SortProcessor::make()
            // ...etc


By now, you should be able to create your own customised search filters, based on the received input from http query parameters. In the next section, you will find a few predefined resource. These may be useful for you, or perhaps act as inspiration for your own processors and filters.