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Determine if Readable

The isReadable() determines if a stream is readable or not.

$a = FileStream::open('people.txt', 'rb');
$b = FileStream::open('contacts.txt', 'a');

echo $a->isReadable(); // true
echo $b->isReadable(); // false


The read() returns up to the specified amount of bytes requested read. Fewer bytes may be returned, if underlying resource does not contain the amount of bytes requested.

$data = $stream->read(50); // 50 bytes of data

Remaining Content

To obtain the remaining contents of a stream, use the getContents().

$data = $stream


All Contents

If you wish to obtain the entire contents of a stream, then you can do so by either casting the stream to a string or manually invoking the __toString().

$data = (string) $stream; // All contents of stream


The stream's read/write position is automatically set to 0 (the beginning of the stream), before the content is returned when cast to a string.

Read Characters

Single Character

The readCharacter() method is useful when you wish to read a single character from a stream.

// Given the following...
$resource = fopen('php://memory', 'r+b');
fwrite($resource, 'abc');

$stream = FileStream::make($resource)

// Read a character...
$a = $stream->readCharacter();
$b = $stream->readCharacter();
$c = $stream->readCharacter();

echo $a; // a
echo $b; // b
echo $c; // c


Behind the scene, PHP's fgetc()open in new window is used.

All Characters

readAllCharacters() returns an iterableopen in new window generator which allows you to iterator throughout all the stream's characters.

// Given the following...
$resource = fopen('php://memory', 'r+b');
fwrite($resource, 'abc');

$stream = FileStream::make($resource);

// Read all characters...
$buffer = '';
$characters = $stream->readAllCharacters();
foreach ($characters as $character) {
    $buffer .= $character;

echo $buffer; // abc



This method automatically rewinds the stream. See readCharacter() as an alternative method.

Read Lines

Single Line

You can use the readLine() method to read a single line of content from the stream.

// Given the following...
$resource = fopen('php://memory', 'r+b');
fwrite($resource, "a\nb\nc\n");

$stream = FileStream::make($resource)

// Read a line...
$a = $stream->readLine();
$b = $stream->readLine();
$c = $stream->readLine();

echo trim($a); // a
echo trim($b); // b
echo trim($c); // c


Behind the scene, PHP's fgets()open in new window is used.


The readLine() also includes newline character in its output.


The readLine() method also accepts optional $length argument. When length is specified, reading stops when either of these conditions are met.

  • Length - 1 byte (length minus 1 byte) has been reached
  • Newline character is reached (included in output)
  • EOF is reached.
// Given the following...
$resource = fopen('php://memory', 'r+b');
fwrite($resource, "aaa\nbbb\nccc\n");

$stream = FileStream::make($resource)

// Read length...
echo $stream->readLine(3); // aa (length minus 1 byte)


Single Line Until

Use the readLineUntil() method to read a line until a specified length and or delimiter is reached. This method stops reading when either of the these conditions are met:

  • Length - 1 byte (length minus 1 byte) has been reached
  • Delimiter character is reached (NOT included in output)
  • EOF is reached.
// Given the following...
$resource = fopen('php://memory', 'r+b');
fwrite($resource, "a;b;c;");

$stream = FileStream::make($resource)

$length = 5;
$delimiter = ';'

// Read until length/delimiter
$a = $stream->readLineUntil($length, $delimiter);
$b = $stream->readLineUntil($length, $delimiter);
$c = $stream->readLineUntil($length, $delimiter);

echo $a; // a
echo $b; // b
echo $c; // c


All Lines

If you need to read all lines from a stream, then use the readAllLines() method. It returns an iterableopen in new window generator.

// Given the following...
$resource = fopen('php://memory', 'r+b');
fwrite($resource, "a\nb\nc\n");

$stream = FileStream::make($resource);

// Read all lines...
$buffer = '';
$lines = $stream->readAllLines();
foreach ($lines as $line) {
    $buffer .= $line;

echo $buffer; // abc



This method automatically rewinds the stream. See readLine() as an alternative method.

Automatic Trim

Unlike the readLine() method, readAllLines() automatically trims all lines before returning. This means that newline character is NOT included in the output.

Alternative way to read all lines

The Stream and FileStream components inherit from the IteratorAggregateopen in new window and can therefore be iterated directly. When doing so, it is the equivalent of invoking the readAllLines() method.

// Iterate through stream's lines
foreach ($stream as $line) {
    // ...Do something with line...

All Lines (Using delimiter)

You can also iterate though all lines using the readAllUsingDelimiter. It behaves similar to the readLineUntil() method. In the following example, each line is returned when either of these conditions are met:

  • Length - 1 byte (length minus 1 byte) has been reached
  • Delimiter character is reached (NOT included in output)
  • EOF is reached.
// Given the following...
$resource = fopen('php://memory', 'r+b');
fwrite($resource, "aa||bb||cc");

$stream = FileStream::make($resource);

// Read all lines using a length / delimiter
$buffer = '';
$iterator = $stream->readAllUsingDelimiter(10, '||');
foreach ($iterator as $line) {
    $buffer .= $line;

echo $buffer; // aabbcc



This method automatically rewinds the stream. See readLineUntil() as an alternative method.

Scan Format

To scan the stream's content according to a format, use the scan() method. It accepts a $format as specified by PHP's fscanf()open in new window.

// Given the following...
$resource = fopen('php://memory', 'r+b');
fwrite($resource, "aa-\nbb-\ncc-\n");

$stream = FileStream::make($resource)

// Scan according to format
$buffer = '';
while ($scanned = $stream->scan('%s-')) {
    $buffer .= $scanned[0];

echo $buffer; // aa-bb-cc-



If the stream you are processing is of considerable size, and you need to scan the entire content, then you should use the readAllUsingFormat() instead of scan().

Scan All

Use readAllUsingFormat() to scan entire stream's content according to specified format.

// Given the following...
$resource = fopen('php://memory', 'r+b');
fwrite($resource, "aa||\nbb||\ncc||\n");

$stream = FileStream::make($resource);

// Scan according to format
$buffer = '';
$all = $stream->readAllUsingFormat('%s||');
foreach ($all as $scanned) {
    $buffer .= $scanned[0];

echo $buffer; // aa||bb||cc||



This method automatically rewinds the stream. See scan() as an alternative method.

Read Chunks

You can also read a stream's content in chunks of a specified size. The readAllInChunks() method accepts an optional $size argument, which determine the amount of bytes to be read per "chunk".

// Given the following...
$resource = fopen('php://memory', 'r+b');
fwrite($resource, "abc");

$stream = FileStream::make($resource)

// Read all in chunks of 1 byte
$buffer = '';
$chunks = $stream->readAllInChunks(1);
foreach ($chunks as $chunk) {
    $buffer .= $chunk;

echo $buffer; // abc



This method automatically rewinds the stream. See buffer() as an alternative method.

Read All using Callback

Lastly, if none of the default offered "read all" methods are to your liking, then you can use readAllUsing() method to specify a custom callback for how to read the stream's underlying resource. The method returns an iterableopen in new window generator, just like the other "read-all" methods.

The given callback will receive the stream's underlying resource as argument.

The following example corresponds to the same result as invoking the readAllInChunks() method.

// Given the following...
$resource = fopen('php://memory', 'r+b');
fwrite($resource, "aabbcc");

$stream = FileStream::make($resource);

// Read all using custom callback
$buffer = '';
$chunks = $stream->readAllUsing(function($resource) {
    return fread($resource, 2);

foreach ($chunks as $chunk) {
    $buffer .= $chunk;

echo $buffer; // aabbcc



This method automatically rewinds the stream. See buffer() as an alternative method.


To read the stream in chunks, using a specific buffer size, use the buffer() method. It accepts the following arguments:

  • int|null $length = null: (optional) Maximum bytes to read from stream. By default, all bytes left are read.
  • int $offset = 0: (optional) The offset on where to start to reading from.
  • int $bufferSize = BufferSizes::BUFFER_8KB: (optional) Read buffer size of each chunk in bytes.
$iterator = $stream->buffer(
    length: 250,
    offset: 22,
    bufferSize: 50

foreach ($iterator as $chunk) {
    echo $chunk;