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This package also offers a few opinionated Form Requestopen in new window abstractions, intended to be used for APIs.


The request abstractions are ONLY available when you are working in a full Laravel application. The abstractions inherit from the FormRequest class, which is only available in Laravel's Foundation namespace.

Validated Api Request

At the top-most abstraction level, you will find the ValidatedApiRequest. It offers but a few additional features, such as an afterValidation() method that can be overwritten to perform additional business logic validation, after your request's regular validation has completed.

use Aedart\Http\Api\Requests\ValidatedApiRequest;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Validator;

class ShowProfile extends ValidatedApiRequest
    public function rules(): array
        return [
            // ...rules not shown here...
    public function afterValidation(Validator $validator): void
        // Use this method to perform additional validation.

The $validator instance that is provided for the afterValidation() method contains all valid data. You can access the data and use it, if needed. Examples of what kind of additional validation you might perform, could be:

  • Complex cross-field validation that regular validation rulesopen in new window might not be able to satisfy.
  • Query additional resources and ensure they exist, match or otherwise fit with what is requested.
  • Perform special domain specific conditions check (whatever that might be for your application).
  • Prepare data to be processed by your route or controller action.

The last example might not be that self-evident. However, sometimes when preparing data for processing, additional validation might be required. This might be true, when certain kinds of validation logic only can be performed during data preparation.


To perform authorisation checks, you can leverage the authorize() method (available via Laravel's FormRequest).

public function authorize()
    $comment = Comment::find($this->route('comment'));
    return $comment && $this->allows('show', $comment);

The authorize() method is invoked before your regular validation is performed. But, sometimes it might not be possible or feasible to perform authorisation checks before data validation. In such situations, you can leverage the authorizeAfterValidation() method.

public function authorizeAfterValidation(): bool
    // Obtain your data, model instance... or whatever
    // might be required to perform authorisation...
    $record = $this->record;
    return $this->allows('update', $record);

The authorizeAfterValidation() method is automatically invoked after the afterValidation() method has executed.

Http Conditional Requests

The ValidatedApiRequest also offers support for dealing with Http Conditional Requestsopen in new window. It is able to evaluate request preconditions, via the Evaluator component. To enable evaluation of preconditions, invoke the evaluateRequestPreconditions() method.

use Aedart\Contracts\ETags\HasEtag;
use Aedart\Http\Api\Requests\ValidatedApiRequest;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class ShowProfile extends ValidatedApiRequest
    protected function prepareForValidation()
        // 1) Find requested resource or fail.
        $model = $this->findOrFailModel();

        // 2) Evaluate request preconditions for "record"
        $resource = $this->evaluateRequestPreconditions(
            record: $model,
            etag: fn () => $model->getStrongEtag(),
            lastModifiedDate: $model->updated_at

    protected function findOrFailModel(): Model & HasEtag
        // ...not shown ...

Please review \Aedart\Http\Api\Requests\Concerns\HttpConditionals and the ETags package documentation for additional information.


Throughout the remaining of this chapter, additional specialised API request abstractions are briefly highlighted. Feel free to extend and use these abstractions, as you see fit.