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Redmine Api Client

A Laravel Redmineopen in new window API Client, that has been designed to look and feel like an active recordopen in new window.


use Aedart\Redmine\Issue;
use Aedart\Redmine\Project;
use Aedart\Redmine\IssueCategory;
use Aedart\Contracts\Http\Clients\Requests\Builder;

// Create resources
$project = Project::create([
    'name' => 'Deus Ex',
    'identifier' => 'deus-ex'

// Fetch list of resources, apply filters to http request...
$issues = Issue::fetchMultiple(function(Builder $request) {
    return $request->where('assigned_to_id', 'me');

// Change existing resources
$category = IssueCategory::findOrFail(1344);
    'name' => 'Business Goals'

// ...or remove them


Athenaeum Redmine ClientRedmine version
From v8.22v4.x, v5.0.x, v5.1.x
From v5.19v4.x

*:This package might also work with newer versions of Redmine.


This package offers "Resources" that cover most of Redmine's REST Apiopen in new window. Yet, if you have previously worked with Redmine's API, then you know that it can be somewhat inconsistent. Depending on the resource that you are working with, you might not be able to perform certain operations, because it's not supported by the API. You might therefore experience the following exception:


Please consult yourself with Redmine's Api documentationopen in new window, to review what operations the current API version supports.


You might also be interested in alternative Redmine API Clients: