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Custom File Parsers

If the default supported file parsers are insufficient for your, then you can create your own. This can be achieved by extending the ParserBase abstraction.


namespace Acme\Config\Parsers;

use Aedart\Config\Parsers\Files\ParserBase;

class XmlParser extends ParserBase
    public static function getFileType(): string
        return 'xml';

    public function parse(string $content): array
        // ... implementation not shown ...


To use your custom file parser, you must either create your own file parser factory or extend the existing FileParserFactory. The following example shows how you could add your custom file parser to a custom factory, by extending the default provided file parser factory.


namespace Acme\Config\Parsers;

use Aedart\Config\Parsers\Factories\FileParserFactory;
use Aedart\Contracts\Config\Parsers\FileParser;
use Acme\Config\Parsers\XmlParser;

class CustomFileParserFactory extends FileParserFactory
    public function make(string $type): FileParser
        if($type === XmlParser::getFileType()){
            return new XmlParser();

        return parent::make($type);

Use Factory

Lastly, you need to specify what factory instance the configuration loader should use.

use Acme\Config\Parsers\CustomFileParserFactory;

$loader->setParserFactory(new CustomFileParserFactory());