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Testing Aware-of Helpers

If you are working with Aware-of Helpers ("getter-setter-traits"), then you can easily test them using the GetterSetterTraitTester.


The helper that you wish to test MUST have it's methods declared in accordance with the following:

set[property-name](?[type] $property);
get[property-name](): ?[type] ;
has[property-name](): bool ;
getDefault[property-name](): ?[type] ;


namespace Acme\Helpers;

class NameTrait
    protected ?string $name = null;

    public function setName(?string $name)
        $this->name = $name;

        return $this;

    public function getName(): ?string
        if (!$this->hasName()) {
        return $this->name;

    public function hasName(): bool
        return isset($this->name);

    public function getDefaultName(): ?string
        return null;

How to Test Aware-Of Helper

To test the helper, use the assertGetterSetterTraitMethods method.

use Aedart\Testing\TestCases\UnitTestCase;
use Aedart\Testing\GetterSetterTraitTester;
use Acme\Helpers\NameTrait;

class NameTraitTest extends UnitTestCase
    use GetterSetterTraitTester;

     * @test
    public function canInvokeAllMethods()
        $faker = $this->getFaker();

            $faker->name, // Value to set
            $faker->name // Default value to return

Auto Generate Argument Data

As an alternative, you can allow the tester to automatically detect and generate argument data, based on the argument's type. To do so, use the assertTraitMethods method.

use Aedart\Testing\TestCases\UnitTestCase;
use Aedart\Testing\GetterSetterTraitTester;
use Acme\Helpers\NameTrait;

class NameTraitTest extends UnitTestCase
    use GetterSetterTraitTester;

     * @test
    public function canInvokeAllMethods()


The assertTraitMethods() method is able to generate data for scalar-typesopen in new window. When an object is expected, the method will attempt to mock that objectopen in new window. But, depending on the expected object's constructor arguments, it might fail to be mocked. If this is the case for you, then you are better of using the assertGetterSetterTraitMethods() and manually create the desired mocked object.