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Basic Usage

Obtain Http Client

To obtain a Http Client instance, use the HttpClientsManager. It can be obtained via HttpClientsManagerTrait.

use Aedart\Http\Clients\Traits\HttpClientsManagerTrait;

class WeatherController
    use HttpClientsManagerTrait;
    public function index()
        $client = $this->getHttpClientsManager()->profile();
        // ...remaining not shown

Obtain Specific Client Profile

In order to obtain a Http Client profile, state the profile name as argument for the profile() method.

$myClient = $this->getHttpClientsManager()->profile('my-client-profile');

Fresh Client instance

Available since v5.19.0

The profile() method will return the same Client instance, if it was previously requested (it caches the created instance for the profile name). If you need a fresh instance, without having it cached by the client manager, then use the fresh() method.

$client = $this->getHttpClientsManager()->fresh('my-client-profile');

Perform Http Requests

Each method that performs a request will return a PSR-7open in new window ResponseInterface.


Use get() to make a Http GETopen in new window request.

$response = $client->get('/users');

Use head() to make a Http HEADopen in new window request.

$response = $client->head('/users');


Use post() to make a Http POSTopen in new window request.

$response = $client->post('/users', [
    'name' => 'John Doe',
    'job'  => 'developer'


Use put() to make a Http PUTopen in new window request.

$response = $client->put('/users/421', [
    'name' => 'Jim Orion',
    'job'  => 'architect'


Use delete() to make a Http DELETEopen in new window request.

$response = $client->delete('/users/7742');


Use options() to make a Http OPTIONSopen in new window request.

$response = $client->options('/users');


Use patch() to make a Http PATCHopen in new window request.

$response = $client->patch('/users/4487', [
    'name' => 'Isabella Amelia Thomason',
    'job'  => 'lead designer'

Generic Request

The request() method allows you to perform a generic Http request. It accepts three arguments:

$response = $client->request('PATCH', '/users/1247', [
    'json' => [
        'name' => 'Emma Jackson',
        'job'  => 'junior developer'