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Extending Core Application

Every application serves a different purpose. If would not be too surprising, if the Athenaeum Core Application wouldn't be able to satisfy your evey need, when attempting to integrate it with your legacy application. Perhaps, you could extend the Core Application, to overcome your challenges. In this chapter, a few important concepts are briefly introduced, in hopes that it may help, when considering extending the Core Application.

Core Service Providers

As soon as you instantiate a new Application instance, it's core service providers are registered - but NOT booted! Some of these service providers are very essential and the application might not work as expected, without them. Should you wish to adapt the list of core service providers, overwrite the getCoreServiceProviders() method.

// In your extended Athenaeum Core Application
public function getCoreServiceProviders(): array
    return [

        // ... etc

Core Bootstrappers

In this context, a bootstrapper is a component that is able to perform some kind of "initial startup" logic. It is what sets the entire application in motion. Bootstrappers are processed when you invoke the bootstrapWith() method (automatically invoked by the run() method). Furthermore, they are processed after the core service providers have registered.

$app->run(); // All bootstrappers are processed...

Create Custom Bootstrapper

To create your own custom bootstrapper, you need to implement the CanBeBootstrapped interface. The following examples shows a very simple bootstrapper, which is used to set the default timezone.


namespace Aedart\Core\Bootstrappers;

use Aedart\Contracts\Core\Application;
use Aedart\Contracts\Core\Helpers\CanBeBootstrapped;
use Aedart\Support\Helpers\Config\ConfigTrait;

class SetDefaultTimezone implements CanBeBootstrapped
    use ConfigTrait;

    public function bootstrap(Application $application): void
        date_default_timezone_set($this->getConfig()->get('app.timezone', 'UTC'));


Overwrite Core Bootstrappers

To use your custom bootstrappers, you need to overwrite the getCoreBootstrappers() method. Similar to the getCoreServiceProviders() method, this method returns an order list of class paths to the application's bootstrappers.

public function getCoreBootstrappers(): array
    return [

        // ... etc

Application is a Service Container

Just like Laravel's Foundation Application, the Athenaeum Core Application extends the Service Containeropen in new window. This means that, you can gain access to services and components. But not before those service have been registered!

// Somewhere inside your extended Core Application
$config = $this->make('config'); // Might fail, if Config Service hasn't registered!

It is advisable that you keep your logic simple. If possible, try to encapsulate your needs into either service providers or bootstrappers. Otherwise you potentially risk of addition too much complexity, inside the actual application.