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How to use

Once you have your implementation completed, simply create a new instance of your DTO.

$person = new Person();

Property overloading

If a getter and or setter method has been defined for a property, then it becomes accessible in multiple ways.

The following example illustrates how the name property can be set and retrieved, in multiple ways.

// Name can be set using normal setter methods

// But you can also just set the property itself
$person->name = 'Jack'; // Will automatically invoke setName()

// And you can also set it using an array-accessor
$person['name'] = 'Jane'; // Will also automatically invoke setName()

// ... //

// Obtain name using the regular getter method
$name = $person->getName();

// Can also get it via invoking the property directly
$name = $person->name; // Will automatically invoke getName()

// Lastly, it can also be access via an array-accessor
$name = $person['name']; // Also invokes the getName()

For additional information, please read about Mutators and Accessoropen in new window, PHP's overloadingopen in new window, and PHP's Array-Accessopen in new window


By adding a @propertyopen in new window tag to your interface or concrete implementation, your IDE will should be able to auto-complete the overloadable properties.

Behind the Scene

The Overload component is responsible most of the magic.