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PSR Uploaded Files & Streams

Internally, the scan() method wraps its file argument into a FileStream before processing it. When a PSR-7 uploaded fileopen in new window instance is provided, its Streamopen in new window will be extracted and copied into a new temporary FileStream. This behaviour ensures that the original stream is not detached, and you can safely continue to work with it after a scan has been performed.

$result = $scanner->scan($psrUploadedFile); // PSR Stream is copied...

// Later...
$stream = $psrUploadedFile->getStream();
echo $stream->getContents(); // You can safely use the stream

The above described stream copy behaviour applies ONLY to PSR-7 streams that are not instance of FileStream.


The PSR stream copy behaviour may cause some performance issues for your application. This is especially true, if you plan to scan files of large filesize. If that is the case, please consider detaching the PSR stream. Doing so ensures that the copy behaviour is entirely omitted.

use Aedart\Streams\FileStream;

// Detach PSR stream, wrap it into a new stream
$fileStream = FileStream::makeFrom(

$result = $scanner->scan($fileStream);

// Later...
echo $fileStream->getContents();

If the above is not possible for you, then consider tinkering with the stream copy options, which are available for all scanners. In your config/antivirus.php, you may add the following options and configure them as you see fit.

  • temporary_stream_max_memory, the maximum memory limit in bytes, before PHP's internal mechanisms write to a physical file.
  • stream_buffer_size amount of bytes to read from PSR stream, per read iteration (buffer).

Both values default to 2 Mb, if not specified in the profile's options.

use Aedart\Contracts\Streams\BufferSizes;

return [

    // ...previous not shown...

    | Scanner Profiles

    'profiles' => [

        'default' => [
            'driver' => \Aedart\Antivirus\Scanners\ClamAv::class,
            'options' => [

                // When dealing with PSR-7 Uploaded Files / Streams
                'temporary_stream_max_memory' => BufferSizes::BUFFER_1MB * 2,
                'stream_buffer_size' => BufferSizes::BUFFER_1MB * 2,
                // ...other options not shown...

        // ... other profiles not shown...