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Service Provider

Register ETagsServiceProvider inside your config/app.php.

return [

    // ... previous not shown ... //

    | Autoloaded Service Providers

    'providers' => [


        // ... remaining services not shown ... //

Publish Assets

Run vendor:publish to publish this package's assets.

php artisan vendor:publish

Once completed, you should have the following configuration file in your /configs directory:

  • etags.php

Publish Assets for Athenaeum Core Application

If you are using the Athenaeum Core Application, then run the following command to publish assets:

php {your-cli-app} vendor:publish-all


In the config/etags.php you can create or change the "profiles" for the Etags Generator.

return [

    | Default ETag Generator

    'default_generator' => env('DEFAULT_ETAG_GENERATOR', 'default'),

    | Generator Profiles

    'profiles' => [

        'default' => [
            'driver' => \Aedart\ETags\Generators\GenericGenerator::class,
            'options' => [

                // Hashing algorithm to be used for ETags flagged
                // as "weak" (weak comparison)
                'weak_algo' => 'crc32',

                // Hashing algorithm to be used for ETags
                // NOT flagged as "weak" (strong comparison)
                'strong_algo' => 'sha1',