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How to use

A factory is responsible for generating ETag instances, and parsing of Http header values.

Obtain Factory

To obtain the Factory instance, use the ETagGeneratorFactoryTrait in your components.

use Aedart\ETags\Traits\ETagGeneratorFactoryTrait;

class UsersController
    use ETagGeneratorFactoryTrait;
    public function index()
        $factory = $this->getEtagGeneratorFactory();
        // ..remaining not shown...


Before you are able to create a new ETag instance, you must first obtain a Generator. This can be done via the profile() method in the Factory.

$generator = $factory->profile(); // Default profile

To obtain a Generator for a different profile, simply specify the profile's name as argument.

$generator = $factory->profile('my-custom-profile');

For more information, see Generator documentation.

Make an Etag

Once you have your desired Etag Generator instance, use the make() method to create a new ETag instance of some content. The method accepts two arguments:

  • $content: mixed : arbitrary content
  • $weak : bool : optional, default true

Weak vs. Strong

If $weak is set to true, the created ETag is flagged as "weak" and therefore indented to be used for "weak comparison" (E.g. If-None-Match Http header comparison).

Otherwise, when $weak is set to false, the ETag is not flagged as "weak". Thus, the etag is then intended to be used for "strong comparison" (E.g. If-Match Http header comparison).

For additional information, see RFC9110open in new window.

$etag = $generator->make('my-content', true);

echo (string) $etag; // E.g. W/"ab416j5"

For the sake of convenience, you can use the shortcut methods makeWeak() and makeStrong() to achieve the same.

$weakEtag = $generator->makeWeak('my-content');
$strongEtag = $generator->makeStrong('my-content');

echo (string) $weakEtag; // E.g. W/"ab416j5"
echo (string) $strongEtag; // E.g. "4720b076892bb2fb65e75af902273c73a2967e4a"

Using Facade

This package also comes with a Facadeopen in new window, that allows you to achieve the same as previously shown.

Create new Etags

To make new etags, simply invoke the make(), makeWeak() or makeStrong() methods on the facade.

use Aedart\ETags\Facades\Generator;

$weakEtag = Generator::makeWeak('my-content');
$strongEtag = Generator::makeStrong('my-content');

Use different profile

Unless otherwise specified, the "default" generator "profile" is used by the facade, when creating new etag instances. To use a different profile, specify the desired name via the profile() method.

$etag = Generator::profile('my-custom-profile')->make('my-content');


When you need to create ETag instance from string values, e.g. Http headers, then you can use the parse() method, in the Factory. The method will attempt to parse given etag values and create a collection with corresponding ETag instances.

// Via the factory
$collection = $factory->parse('W/"15487", W/"r2d23574", W/"c3pio784"');

// ...Or via the Facade
$collection = Generator::parse('W/"15487", W/"r2d23574", W/"c3pio784"');

If you only desire to parse a single value, then use the parseSingle() which will return a single ETag instance.

// Via the factory
$etag = $factory->parseSingle('W/"15487"');

// ...Or via the Facade
$etag = Generator::parseSingle('W/"15487"');


Both parse() and parseSingle() will throw an ETagException, if unable to parse given string value.

For instance, if you try to parse a list of value that contain a wildcard (*), then it is considered syntactically invalid (acc. to RFC9110). An exception will therefore be thrown.

// Throws exception ... invalid list of etag values!
$collection = Generator::parse('*, W/"r2d23574", W/"c3pio784"');

$etag = Generator::parseSingle('my-invalid-etag-value');

// ---------------------------------------------------------------- //

// Valid
$collection = Generator::parse('*');

// ...Or parse single
$etag = Generator::parseSingle('*');
echo $etag->isWildcard(); // true


You have the following two comparison options, when you want to compare etags:

  • strong comparison: two entity tags are equivalent if both are not weak and their opaque-tags match character-by-character (source RFC-9110).
  • weak comparison: two entity tags are equivalent if their opaque-tags match character-by-character, regardless of either or both being tagged as "weak" (source RFC-9110).

Please read RFC-9110's description of If-Matchopen in new window, If-None-Matchopen in new window Http headers, and how the comparison worksopen in new window to understand the difference and when to use either of the comparison methods.

Strong vs. Weak Comparison

The herein shown examples do not necessarily represent correct usage of the comparison for http headers.To clarify when to use "weak" or "strong" comparison, consider the following:

If-Match: "[...] An origin server MUST use the strong comparison function when comparing entity tags for If-Match [...]" (source RFC-9110open in new window)

If-None-Match: "[...] A recipient MUST use the weak comparison function when comparing entity tags for If-None-Match [...]" (source RFC-9110open in new window)

Via Collection

When you have a collection of etag instances, you can match a single ETag (or value) against the etags in the collection. The contains() method allows you to do so.

$collection = Generator::parse('W/"15487", W/"r2d23574", W/"c3pio784"');

$etag = Generator::makeWeak($content); // E.g. W/"c3pio784"

echo $collection->contains($etag, true); // false - strong comparison
echo $collection->contains($etag);       // true - weak comparison

You may also compare against a string etag value directly.

echo $collection->contains('W/"c3pio784"', true); // false - strong comparison
echo $collection->contains('W/"c3pio784"');       // true - weak comparison

Via ETag

To compare two ETag instances against each other, use the matches() method.

$etagA = Generator::parseSingle('W/"r2d23574"');
$etagB = Generator::makeWeak($content); // E.g. W/"r2d23574"

echo $etagA->matches($etagB, true); // false - strong comparison
echo $etagA->matches($etagB);       // true - weak comparison


A wildcard (*) is a valid etag value for both If-Matchopen in new window and If-None-Matchopen in new window Http headers. When comparing against a wildcard, the result will always be true if you have an ETag or etag value to compare against, regardless whether you use "weak" or "strong" comparison.

$collection = Generator::parse('*');

echo $collection->contains('W/"c3pio784"', true); // true - strong comparison
echo $collection->contains('W/"c3pio784"');       // true - weak comparison

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

$etagA = Generator::parseSingle('*');
$etagB = Generator::makeWeak($content); // E.g. W/"15487"

echo $collection->contains($etag, true); // true - strong comparison
echo $collection->contains($etag);       // true - weak comparison