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Lang.js (Array)

Driver: \Aedart\Translation\Exports\Drivers\LangJsExporter

If you are using lang.jsopen in new window, then you can use this exporter to create an array, that is formatted according to the desired message formatopen in new window.

$translations = $manager
    ->export('en', [ 'auth', 'acme::users' ]);


The output format looks similar to the following:

    [en.__JSON__] => Array
            [ok] => Nice, mate!
    [en.auth] => Array
            [failed] => These credentials do not match our records.
            [password] => The provided password is incorrect.
            [throttle] => Too many login attempts. Please try again in :seconds seconds.
    [en.translation-test::users] => Array
            [greetings] => Comrades are the cannons of the weird halitosis.
            [messages] => Array
                    [a] => Spacecrafts meet with ellipse!
                    [b] => Uniqueness is the only samadhi, the only guarantee of solitude.
                    [c] => Ho-ho-ho! punishment of beauty.