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Driver: \Aedart\Antivirus\Scanners\NullScanner

The Null scanner is intended for testing, or situation when a scanner is required, yet not intended to trigger an actual virus-scan. For instance, if your application runs CI tests of file uploads, then this driver might be helpful, if you wish to disable scanning of those files.


The following shows the available options for the Null scanner.

return [

    // ...previous not shown...

    | Scanner Profiles

    'profiles' => [

        'null' => [
            'driver' => \Aedart\Antivirus\Scanners\NullScanner::class,
            'options' => [

                // Whether scanner should "pass" file scans (true), or
                // "fail" them (false).
                'should_pass' => false,
        // ...other profiles not shown...