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Class: \Aedart\ETags\Preconditions\Additional\Range


This extension is enabled by default in the Evaluator, because a client is able to perform a Range request, without If-Range precondition. When such happens, it is prudent and feasible to perform the same kind of range-set validation, as for the RFC 9110 defined If-Range precondition.


When the request method is GET, Range header is present, If-Range is NOT present, and the resource supports range requests.


If the requested ranges are applicable (if they are valid) for the requested resource. Validation of ranges is performed via a RangeValidator.

When it passes

The processRange() action method is invoked. Evaluator continues to extensions, when available. Otherwise, request processing continues.

When it fails

The ignoreRange() action method is invoked. Evaluator continues to extensions, when available. Otherwise, request processing continues.
