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The Actions component is used to either abort the current request, because a precondition has failed, or to change the state of the requested resource. Usually, such logic is invoked by the preconditions.


The default provided Actions will satisfy the bare minimum requirements of RFC 9110. However, they will most likely not satisfy your every need, for every type of resource that is evaluated. You are therefore strongly encouraged to extend, overwrite or create your own custom Actions, when needed.

Default Actions

Unless otherwise specified, the DefaultActions component is used by the evaluator. In this section, each method of the actions component is briefly described.

Please see the source code of \Aedart\ETags\Preconditions\Actions\DefaultActions for additional details.

Abort State Change Already Succeeded

The abortStateChangeAlreadySucceeded() is responsible for causing the application to return a 2xx responseopen in new window response. The method throws an HttpException with Http status code 204 No Contentopen in new window.

Abort Precondition Failed

The abortPreconditionFailed() is responsible for causing the application to return a 412 Precondition Failedopen in new window response. The method throws an an PreconditionFailedHttpException (custom HttpException).

Abort Not Modified

The abortNotModified() is responsible for causing the application to return a 304 Not Modifiedopen in new window response. Method throws an HttpException to achieve this.

Abort Bad Request

The abortBadRequest() is responsible for causing the application to return a 400 Bad Requestopen in new window response. BadRequestHttpException is thrown with a custom $reason string, if provided by preconditions.

Abort Range Not Satisfiable

The abortRangeNotSatisfiable() is responsible for causing the application to return a 416 Range Not Satisfiableopen in new window response. A RangeNotSatisfiable exception is thrown, which also contains information about requested Range, the total size of the resource, and a possible $reason why the request was aborted.

Process Range

The processRange() method is responsible for changing the state of the provided resource, such that the application is able to respond with a 206 Partial Contentopen in new window response. This method is given a collection of ranges that were requested. Furthermore, the method SHOULD NOT abort the current request, but is allowed to do so if needed.

Ignore Range

ignoreRange() is responsible for changing the state of the provided resource, such that application ignores evt. Range header. The method SHOULD NOT abort the current request, but is allowed to do so if needed.

Custom Actions

How to create

The easiest way to create your own custom actions, is by extending DefaultActions. Overwrite the desired methods with the logic that you need. Consider the following example:

use Aedart\ETags\Preconditions\Actions\DefaultActions;

class MyCustomActions extends DefaultActions
    public function abortStateChangeAlreadySucceeded(
        ResourceContext $resource
    ): never
        // Abort request with a custom response (throws HttpException).
            'data' => $resource->data()->toArray()
        ], 200));


When overwriting the "abort" methods, both the preconditions and the evaluator expect those methods to throw an appropriate exception and stop further request processing. If this is not respected, you are very likely to experience undesired behavior.

Use custom actions

To use custom actions, set the $actions argument in the evaluator's make() method, or use the setActions() method.

// When creating a new instance...
$evaluator = Evaluator::make(
    reqeust: $request,
    actions: new MyCustomActions(),

// Or, when after instance has been instantiated
$evaluator->setActions(new MyCustomActions());