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Resource Context

A ResourceContext represents a requested resource. It acts as a wrapper for the requested record or file. It may also contain state information about the resource itself.

How to create

This packages comes with a GenericResource, which is a default implementation of the ResourceContext interface. Its constructor method accepts the following arguments:

  • mixed $data: The requested resource, e.g. a record, Eloquent Model instance, a file... etc.
  • ETag|callable|null $etag = null: (optional) Etag of the requested resource or callback to resolve etag.
  • DateTimeInterface|null $lastModifiedDate = null: (optional) Resource's last modified date.
  • int $size = 0: (optional) Size of resource. (Applicable only if your request supports If-Range and Range requests.)
  • callable|null $determineStateChangeSuccess = null: (optional) Callback that determines if a state change has already succeeded on the resource.
  • string $rangeUnit = 'bytes': (optional) See Accept-Ranges.
  • int $maxRangeSets = 5: (optional) Maximum allowed range setsopen in new window.

Most of the arguments are optional. You do not have to satisfy all of them. This is especially true when your requested resource is not intended to support If-Range and Range preconditions.

To demonstrate an example, imagine that an existing record (e.g. an Eloquent Model instance) is requested. If your model supports etags, and has a last modified date, then you can create a new GenericResource instance in the following way:

use Aedart\ETags\Preconditions\Resources\GenericResource;

$resource new GenericResource(
    data: $model,
    etag: $model->getStrongEtag(),
    lastModifiedDate: $model->updated_at

Callable ETag Argument

Available since v7.9.x

The $etag argument can be specified as callback that resolves an actual ETag instance. Doing so can increase performance of a request, when no preconditions are requested. The etag is only resolved when needed and not upfront.

$resource new GenericResource(
    data: $model,
    etag: fn () => $model->getStrongEtag(),
    lastModifiedDate: $model->updated_at


Determine State Change Success

Whenever If-Match or If-Unmodified-Since preconditions are requested and evaluated as false,
a 412 Precondition Failedopen in new window response will be returned, unless it can be determined that the state-changing request has already succeeded. (See RFC9110 for detailsopen in new window).

Imagine that a DELETE request is received for a record with a If-Unmodified-Since precondition. If the precondition is evaluated to true, then the request can proceed and delete the record. Otherwise, the application must determine if a "state-change" has already occurred (if the record has already been deleted).

When such a situation arises, the hasStateChangeAlreadySucceeded() method will be invoked, on the ResourceContext instance. Depending on the return value, the following will happen:

  • When state-change is false
    • The evaluator ensures a "412 Precondition Failed" response, via its assigned Actions.
  • When state-change is true
    • The request is aborted via evaluator's assigned Actions.

Default Behaviour

The GenericResource will return false as default, when no callback is given for the $determineStateChangeSuccess constructor argument. This will result in a 412 Precondition Failedopen in new window response, when If-Match or If-Unmodified-Since precondition fail.

Custom Behaviour

To change the default behaviour, specify a callback for the $determineStateChangeSuccess constructor argument. When invoked, the callback will receive the current Http Request, and the resource context as arguments.

use Aedart\ETags\Preconditions\Resources\GenericResource;

$resource new GenericResource(
    data: $model,
    etag: fn () => $model->getStrongEtag(),
    lastModifiedDate: $model->updated_at,
    determineStateChangeSuccess: function($request, $resource) {
        $model = $resource->data();
        if ($request->method() === 'DELETE' && !is_null($model->deleted_at)) {
            return true;
        // ...other state-change determination logic not shown...
        return false;

Files and Range Support

If your resource is a picture, document or other kind of file that is intended to support If-Rangeopen in new window and Rangeopen in new window requests, then you must specify the $size of the resource. The $size must always be specified in bytes.

Default Behaviour

The GenericResource assumes that the resource in question does NOT support Range and If-Range. It defaults to $size = 0, in the constructor. This results in Range and If-Range Http headers to be entirely ignored. Your resulting response should therefore include the full file content.

Size and Range Response

You can specify a file's size (in bytes) using the $size constructor argument. When you do so, the ResourceContext is automatically marked to support Range and If-Range requests.

$resource new GenericResource(
    data: $file,
    etag: $file->getStrongEtag(),
    lastModifiedDate: $file->updated_at,
    size: $file->getFileSize()


The Evaluator's preconditions will automatically deal with validation of requested range-sets. You will, however, have to create an appropriate 206 Partial Contentopen in new window in your controller or route action, when the "range" state has been set on the resource.

Example Request

use Aedart\Contracts\ETags\Preconditions\ResourceContext;
use Aedart\ETags\Facades\Generator;
use Aedart\ETags\Preconditions\Evaluator;
use Aedart\ETags\Preconditions\Resources\GenericResource;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;
use Illuminate\Http\File;
use Illuminate\Support\Carbon;

class DownloadFileRequest extends FormRequest
    public ResourceContext $resource;

    protected function prepareForValidation()
        // 1) Find requested file or fail.
        $file = $this->findFileOrFail();

        // 2) Wrap it inside a Resource Context
        $resource = $this->makeResourceContext($file);

        // 3) Evaluate request's preconditions against resource...
        $this->resource = Evaluator::make($this)

    protected function makeResourceContext(File $file): ResourceContext
        // (optional) generate custom etag for file 
        $etag = Generator::makeRaw(
            hash_file('xxh128', $file->getRealPath())

        // Returns new resource for given file...
        return GenericResource::forFile(
            file: $file,
            etag: $etag // Defaults to a "checksum" etag, when not specified!

    protected function findFileOrFail(): File
        // ... not shown here...

Example Action

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use Aedart\ETags\Preconditions\Responses\DownloadStream;

Route::get('/files/{name}', function (DownloadFileRequest $request) {

    return DownloadStream::for($request->resource)

See Download Stream response helper, for additional information.

Example Response

Based on the above shown request and action, if a client makes a request with If-Range and Range preconditions, then a 206 Partial Contentopen in new window response is returned, if the preconditions match.

Request (with If-Range and Range)

GET /files/contacts.txt HTTP/1.1
If-Range: "a89ca792333a300d726d40ecbbb9b043"
Range: bytes=0-99

Response (206 Partial Content)

HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content
Date: Fri, 03 Feb 2023 10:05:24 GMT
Last-Modified: Tue, 15 Jan 2023 08:58:08 GMT
Content-Range: bytes 0-99/2087
Content-Length: 100
Content-Type: plain/text
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=contacts.txt

(100 bytes of partial text file... not shown here)

Arbitrary Data

The ResourceContext also has the ability to store and retrieve arbitrary data. This can be useful for adding additional meta information for a resource, or perhaps for dealing with complex state-changing logic. Regardless of reason, you can leverage this mechanism when you need it.

Most commonly, you would set key-value pairs inside your resource, by accessing the resource in your custom actions.


// Set key-value
$resource->set('foo', 'bar');

// Obtain value for key... default to a value if not available
$value = $resource->get('foo', 'zap');

// Determine if key exists
if ($resource->has('foo')) {
    // ...

// Forget (remove) a key-value pair

// Get all key-value pairs
$data = $resource->all();

// Determine if resource has any key-value pairs set
if ($resource->isEmpty()) {
    // ...