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The FileStream component offers a simple locking mechanism, which uses PHP's flock()open in new window to acquire and release a lock. In this section, a few examples are shown on how to acquire a lock and perform operations on a file.

Exclusive Lock

To acquire an exclusive lock (LOCK_EX) and perform some kind of write operation on the stream, use the exclusiveLock() method.

The method accepts the following arguments:

  • callable $operation: Callback to be invoked after lock was acquired. The stream instance is given as argument to callback.
  • float $timeout: (optional) Timeout of acquiring lock in seconds. Defaults to 0.5 seconds.
  • string|null $profile: (optional) Name of locking profile to use (See Customise Behaviour).
  • array $options: (optional) Lock driver specific options (See Customise Behaviour).

Once the callback has been performed, the lock is automatically released.

// Assuming file is empty...
$stream = FileStream::open('persons.txt', 'r+b');

$result = $stream->exclusiveLock(function($stream) {
    // ...Do something with stream...
    return (string) $stream;

echo $result; // John

Shared Lock

If you wish to acquire a shared lock (LOCK_SH), use the sharedLock() method.

Method accepts the same type of arguments as exclusiveLock().

// Assuming file has "Jim" as content
$stream = FileStream::open('persons.txt', 'r+b');

$result = $stream->sharedLock(function($stream) {    
    return (string) $stream;

echo $result; // Jim

Customise Behaviour

If you are using the streams component inside a Laravel application, then you can customise the locking behaviour via the config/streams.php configuration. Here, you may change existing lock profiles or add new ones.

return [

    // ...previous not shown...

     | Lock profiles

    'locks' => [

        // ...default profile not shown here...
        'my-lock-profile' => [
            'driver' => \Aedart\Streams\Locks\Drivers\FLockDriver::class,
            'options' => [
                'sleep' => 5_000,
                'fail_on_timeout' => true
    // ... remaining not shown...

Then, when you wish for your stream to acquire a lock using a specific lock profile, specify the profile for the $profile argument.

$result = $stream->exclusiveLock(function($stream) {
    // ...not shown...
}, 0.01, 'my-lock-profile');

You can also choose to overwrite a given profile's options, when acquiring the lock, via the $options argument.

// Custom options for a single operation...
$options = [
    'sleep' => 2_000

$result = $stream->exclusiveLock(function($stream) {
    // ...not shown...
}, 0.01, 'my-lock-profile', $options);

Outside Laravel

If you wish to customise the locking behaviour whilst using this package outside a regular Laravel application, then you have a few ways to do so:

  • You can specify custom $options, which can configure the "default" profile.
  • Set "profiles" manually on the internal LockFactory

Specify custom options

// Custom options for a single operation...
$options = [
    'sleep' => 12_000,
    'fail_on_timeout' => false

$result = $stream->exclusiveLock(function($stream) {
    // ...not shown...
}, 0.01, null, $options);

Specify custom "profiles"

A list of custom profiles can always be specified on a stream's internal LockFactory.

use \Aedart\Streams\Locks\Drivers\FLockDriver;

/** @type \Aedart\Streams\Locks\LockFactory $lockFactory */
$lockFactory = $stream
        'my-profile' => [
            'driver' => FLockDriver::class,
            'options' => [
                'sleep' => 10_000,
                'fail_on_timeout' => true
        // ...more profiles...

Unfortunately, the above shown example is not very practical, if you have to do this for every stream instance. Therefore, to overcome this issue, you are encouraged to extend the FileStream component and overwrite the getDefaultLockFactory() method.

use Aedart\Streams\FileStream;
use Aedart\Streams\Locks\LockFactory;
use Aedart\Contracts\Streams\Locks\Factory;

class MyFileStream extends FileStream
    public function getDefaultLockFactory(): Factory|null
        $profiles = [
            'my-profile' => [
                'driver' => FLockDriver::class,
                'options' => [
                    'sleep' => 10_000,
                    'fail_on_timeout' => true
            // ...more profiles...
        $default = 'my-profile';
        return new LockFactory($profiles, $default);

Custom Lock Drivers

Should the default provided FLockDriver not be a good solution for you, then you can always add your own custom driver(s). The easiest way of doing so, is by extending the BaseLockDriver abstraction.

use Aedart\Streams\Locks\Drivers\BaseLockDriver;

class MyLockDriver extends BaseLockDriver
    public function acquireLock(Stream $stream, int $type, float $timeout): bool
        // ...not shown...
    public function releaseLock(Stream $stream): bool
        // ...not shown...

Once you have you driver implemented, then you can specify it as a profile's driver:

// Where you specify your profiles...
$profiles = [
    'my-profile' => [
        'driver' => MyLockDriver::class,
        // ... remaining not shown ...
    // ...more profiles...