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As previously described, the Evaluator is able to evaluate a list of preconditions. When none are specified, then a list of predefined / supported preconditions are used. In this chapter you will find documentation of available custom preconditions (extensions), which are NOT part of RFC 9110open in new window.

In addition, this chapter contains a minimalistic example is shown for how to create a custom precondition.

Custom Precondition

To create a custom precondition, extend the BasePrecondition abstraction. You will be required to implement the following methods:

  • isApplicable() determines if precondition is applicable for current request and requested resource.
  • passes() determines if precondition passes (evaluation).
  • whenPasses() invoked if the precondition passes.
  • whenFails() invoked if the precondition fails.

The following hypothetical example assumes that a requested resource may have an author. When a X-If-Author header is requested, the value is matched against the resource's author field. Only when the requested header value matches the resources author, the request can proceed. Otherwise, the request is aborted.

use Aedart\ETags\Preconditions\BasePrecondition;
use Aedart\Contracts\ETags\Preconditions\ResourceContext as Resource;

class IfAuthor extends BasePrecondition
    public function isApplicable(Resource $resource): bool
        // Determine when this precondition is applicable - when should it
        // be evaluated?
        return $this->getMethod() === 'GET'
            && $this->getHeaders()->has('X-If-Author')
            && isset($resource->data()->author)

    public function passes(Resource $resource): bool
        // Determine when this precondition is considered "passed"
        $author = $this->getHeaders()->get('X-If-Author');
        return $resource->data()->author === $author;

    public function whenPasses(Resource $resource): Resource|string|null
        // Change the state of the resource... e.g. add meta info about the requested
        // author... or whatever makes sense to you...
        $resource->set('eager_load_author', true);
        // Alternatively, you can use custom actions to change the state... 
        // E.g. $this->actions()->markAuthorBooksToBeLoaded($resource); 
        // Finally, allow evaluation of evt. next precondition...
        return null;

    public function whenFails(Resource $resource): Resource|string|null
        // E.g. abort the current request... or perform other logic...
        return $this->actions()->abortPreconditionFailed($resource);

Pass / Fail Methods

The whenPasses() and whenFails() methods are responsible for either of the following:

Return a ResourceContext

When a "changed" resource is returned, the evaluator will stop additional evaluation or preconditions. Your regular request processing will continue (route or controller action is invoked).

// ...Inside your precondition...
public function whenPasses(Resource $resource): Resource|string|null
    // Change state or data, and return resource. No further preconditions evaluated!
    return $resource->set('pages_to_highlight', [ 2, 43, 44, 61]);

Return class path (to specific precondition)

By returning a class path to a specific precondition, the evaluator will instantiate it, determine if its applicable, and evaluate it.

// ...Inside your precondition...

public function whenPasses(Resource $resource): Resource|string|null
    // Change the state of the resource...
    $resource->set('eager_load_author', true);

    // Continue to specific precondition
    return MyOtherCustomPrecondition::class;


While this mechanism allows you to create a complex evaluation flow, it will NOT allow you to specify a class path to a precondition that:

The evaluator will throw a LogicException if such situations arises.

Return null (next precondition)

When you return null from the pass or fail method, the evaluator will simply continue to the next precondition in its list. If there are no more preconditions to evaluate, then your route or controller action will be invoked.

// ...Inside your precondition...

public function whenPasses(Resource $resource): Resource|string|null
    // ...resource change logic not shown here...
    // Continue to next precondition
    return null;

Throw Http Exception

Lastly, in situations when your precondition needs to stop the request processing entirely, you can throw an appropriate Http Exception. When doing so, your application's exception handler will deal with the exception and create a Http response accordingly.

use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\PreconditionFailedHttpException;

// ...Inside your precondition...

public function whenFails(Resource $resource): Resource|string|null
    // E.g. Use actions to abort request...
    //return $this->actions()->abortPreconditionFailed($resource);

    // Or, throw exception
    throw new PreconditionFailedHttpException(
        'Requested author name does not match resource\'s author'

To ensure that your default exception handler creates an appropriate response, your exception should inherit from \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpExceptionInterface.


For additional information, please review the source code of \Aedart\ETags\Preconditions\BasePrecondition abstraction.