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Process Multiple Resources

The ProcessMultipleResourcesRequest is intended for when bulk operations must be undertaken on multiple resources. Based on a few configuration parameters, the request will automatically query the resources from the database, and perform authorisation thereof, before continuing to the route or controller action.

Example Request

use Aedart\Http\Api\Requests\Resources\ProcessMultipleResourcesRequest;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection;
use App\Models\User;

class DeleteMultipleUsers extends ProcessMultipleResourcesRequest
    public function configureValuesToAccept(): void
        // Accept string identifiers... 

    public function authorisationModel(): string|null
        return User::class;

    public function authorizeFoundRecords(Collection $records): bool
        return $this->allows('bulk-destroy', [

Example Action

Route::delete('/games', function (DeleteMultipleUsers $request) {
    $users = $request->records;

    $emails = $users

    User::whereIn('email', $emails)

    return response()->noContent();


The configureValuesToAccept() should be used to configure what kind of identifiers are expected to be present in the request's payload. You can choose between string or integer values.

// ...inside your request...

public function configureValuesToAccept(): void
    // Accept string values for "target" property.
    // 'email' is the unique table column to match string values against.
    // Or... Accept integer values for "target" property.
    // 'id' is the unique table column to match integer values against.

The "targets" Key

By default, the request expects a payload to be formatted in the following way:

Example (string values)

    "targets": [

Example (integer values)

    "targets": [

A targets key is expected to contain a distinctopen in new window list of integers or string values. These values act as identifiers for when querying records in the database. If the targets key name is not to your liking, then you can change this by overwriting the ccc property.

use Aedart\Http\Api\Requests\Resources\ProcessMultipleResourcesRequest;

class DeleteMultipleUsers extends ProcessMultipleResourcesRequest
     * Name of property in received request payload that
     * holds identifiers.
     * @var string
    protected string $targetsKey = 'targets';

    // ...remaining not shown...

Minimum and Maximum Resources

By default, the targets property must contain at least one resource identifier, and a maximum of 10. To change this, set the $min and $max properties.

use Aedart\Http\Api\Requests\Resources\ProcessMultipleResourcesRequest;

class DeleteMultipleUsers extends ProcessMultipleResourcesRequest
     * Minimum amount of requested "targets"
     * @var int
    protected int $min = 1;

     * Maximum amount of requested "targets"
     * @var int
    protected int $max = 10;

    // ...remaining not shown...


When the requested resources are found (see Custom Search), the Eloquent Collection is passed on to the authorizeFoundRecords() method. You are responsible for determining how to check the current user's abilities, to determine if he/she is authorised to perform the given bulk request, for the found records. As an example, consider the following:

// ...inside your request...

public function authorizeFoundRecords(Collection $records): bool
    return $this->allows('bulk-destroy', [

Additional Validation Rules

Overwrite the rules() method to add additional validation rules, should you need it.

// ...inside your request...

public function rules(): array
    $key = $this->targetsKey();

    return array_merge(parent::rules(), [
        // E.g. to customise "targets" validation...
        "{$key}.*" => function () {
            return $this->targetIdentifierRules();
        // Require evt. additional input
        'data' => [
            // ...not shown here...      


If your request requires additional relations to be eager-loaded, then you can specify them via the with() method.

use Aedart\Http\Api\Requests\Resources\ProcessMultipleResourcesRequest;

class DeleteMultipleUsers extends ProcessMultipleResourcesRequest
    protected function prepareForValidation()
        $this->with([ 'games' ]);

    // ...remaining not shown...

Trashed (Soft-Deleted) Resources

Soft-deleted resources are not queried by default. To change this behaviour, simply set the $withTrashed property to true.

use Aedart\Http\Api\Requests\Resources\ProcessMultipleResourcesRequest;

class DeleteMultipleUsers extends ProcessMultipleResourcesRequest
     * Include "trashed" records or not
     * @var bool
    protected bool $withTrashed = true;
    // ...remaining not shown...

When Records are Found

The whenRecordsAreFound() is a hook method, which is invoked after requested resources are found, and after authorisation check has been undertaken. You can use this method to perform post-found validation logic.

// ...inside your request...

public function whenRecordsAreFound(Collection $records): void
    // Perform additional validation for the found records.
    // ...not shown here...

Customise Search Query

To customise the query that is used for finding the requested resources, overwrite the applySearch() method. The method is given the current query scope, the name of the table column to query, and the list of requested identifiers.

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder as EloquentBuilder;
use Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder;

// ...inside your request...

protected function applySearch(
    EloquentBuilder|Builder $query,
    string $key,
    array $targets
): EloquentBuilder|Builder
    // Add your custom query constraints here...
    return $query
        ->whereIn($key, $targets);

Request Preconditions

A similar recommendation applies to this kind of request, as for List Resources. If you do enable evaluation of preconditions, then you must consider how to generate a single and reliable Etag and/or Last Modified data for the requested resources.