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To create a custom scanner, you are required to create two components:

  • A driver-specific scan status.
  • The actual scanner (aka. the driver).

Scan Status

The scan Status component is responsible for parsing / resolving the output or response from an antivirus software or service. For instance, for an online antivirus service, e.g. like VirusTotalopen in new window, the API response must be evaluated. Whereas for a CLI command, the return code must be checked, and so on.

You can create a status component by inheriting from the BaseStatus abstraction.

use Aedart\Antivirus\Exceptions\UnsupportedStatusValue;
use Aedart\Antivirus\Results\BaseStatus;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Process\ProcessResult;

class MalwareScanStatus extends BaseStatus
    public function resolveValue(mixed $value): ProcessResult
        if (!($value instanceof ProcessResult)) {
            throw new UnsupportedStatusValue('Invalid value type...');

        return $value;

    public function isOk(): bool
        return $this->value()->successful();

    public function __toString()
        $value = $this->value();

        return match(true) {
            $value->successful() => $this->valueWithReason('Clean'),
            default => $this->valueWithReason('Infected'),

The status component may also hold other antivirus software- or service-specific status related methods.

Scanner (driver)

A scanner (or driver) is responsible for passing the file stream on to an actual antivirus scanner, and return an an appropriate ScanResult instance. Consider the following example:

use Aedart\Antivirus\Scanners\BaseScanner;
use Aedart\Contracts\Antivirus\Results\ScanResult;
use Aedart\Contracts\Streams\FileStream;
use Illuminate\Process\Factory;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Process;
use Acme\Antivirus\MalwareScanStatus;

class MalwareScanner extends BaseScanner
    public function scanStream(FileStream $stream): ScanResult
        // Obtain profile specific options (if needed)
        $command = $this->get('command', '/var/lib/anti_malware');

        // Scan the file...
        $nativeResult = $this
            ->run($command . ' -file ' . $stream->uri());

        // Parse native result into status and return scan result
        return $this->makeScanResult(
            status: $this->makeScanStatus($nativeResult),
            file: $stream,

    protected function statusClass(): string
        return MalwareScanStatus::class;

    protected function makeDriver(): Factory
        return Process::getFacadeRoot();


Once you have a status and a scanner component completed, you can add it to your configuration of available antivirus scanner profiles.

return [

    // ...previous not shown...

    | Scanner Profiles

    'profiles' => [

        'virus_total' => [
            'driver' => \Acme\Antivirus\Scanners\VirusTotal::class,
            'options' => [
                'command' => '/var/lib/anti_malware',
                // ...etc

        // ... other profiles not shown...