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List Resources

The ListResourcesRequest abstraction is intended for "index" requests in which a list of paginated resources is shown.

Example Request

use Aedart\Contracts\Filters\Builder;
use Aedart\Http\Api\Requests\Resources\ListResourcesRequest;
use App\Models\User;

class ListUsers extends ListResourcesRequest
    public function authorisationModel(): string|null
        return User::class;

    public function filtersBuilder(): string|Builder|null
        // Request filters builder...
        return null;

Example Action

Route::get('/users', function (ListUsers $request) {
    return UserResource::collection(


The authorize() is implemented by default. It checks if current user is granted an index ability for given resource. From the above shown examples, a users.index ability is checked.


Validation of pagination query parameters is automatically performed. To configure pagination, you can set the following properties in your request class.

class ListUsers extends ListResourcesRequest
     * Default amount of results to be shown,
     * when none requested
     * @var int
    protected int $defaultShow = 15;

     * Minimum allowed value for "show" property
     * @var int
    protected int $showMinimum = 1;

     * Maximum allowed value for "show" property
     * @var int
    protected int $showMaximum = 100;

     * Name of the query parameter that contains requested page
     * @var string
    public string $pageKey = 'page';

     * Name of the query parameter that contains requested amount
     * to be shown per page
     * @var string
    public string $showKey = 'show';

    // ...remaining not shown ...

You can access pagination related properties directly on the request instance.

Route::get('/users', function (ListUsers $request) {
    $page = $request->page;
    $pageKey = $request->pageKey;
    $show = $request->show;

    $users = User::query()
                perPage: $show,
                pageName: $pageKey,
                page: $page

    // ...remaining not shown...  

Filters Builder

If your request supports filters, then you can return the class path or Builder instance, in the filtersBuilder() method.

use Aedart\Contracts\Filters\Builder;
use Aedart\Http\Api\Requests\Resources\ListResourcesRequest;
use App\Filters\UserFiltersBuilder;

class ListUsers extends ListResourcesRequest
    // ...previous not shown ...

    public function filtersBuilder(): string|Builder|null
        return UserFiltersBuilder::class;

In your route or controller action, use the applyFilters() to apply eventual requested filters, which are available in the $filters attribute.

Route::get('/users', function (ListUsersRequest $request) {
    return UserResource::collection(

See Database Query Filters for additional information.

Request Preconditions

Although support for Http Request Conditionals is possible for this kind of request, it is not recommended. You will be required to compute a reliable ETagopen in new window and/or Last-Modifiedopen in new window date for the filtered and paginated results. This can end up costing a lot of CPU cycles and thereby affect performance. Therefore, no preconditions evaluation is enabled by default, for this kind of request abstraction.

Despite the above-mentioned recommendation, if you still wish to support evaluation of request preconditions, then you should consider generating a unique ETag which takes the following into consideration:

  • The requested query parameters (e.g. filters and pagination).
  • The filtered and paginated resources (the resulting eloquent models with eventual eager-loaded relations).
  • The type of resource that is requested.

See Show Single Resource for examples of preconditions evaluation. In addition, you should also review the source code of \Aedart\Http\Api\Requests\Concerns\HttpConditionals (available in all request abstractions).

Lastly, it might be prudent to ignore generating a Last-Modified date, if you enable preconditions evaluation for a collection of filtered and paginated resources.