
Roles are the responsible for grouping granted permissions. A role has be assigned to one or more users and thereby granting the users whatever permissions are granted to the role itself.

Creating a new role

To create a new role, you can use the static create() method, as you normally would in your Eloquent model.

use Aedart\Acl\Models\Role;

$manager = Role::create([
    'slug' => 'flight-manager',
    'name' => 'Flight manager',
    'description' => 'Responsible for managing flight records'

See Laravel's documentationopen in new window for additional information on how to create new records.

New role with permissions

If you already know which permissions a new role should be granted, then you can define these right away, during the role's creation. This is done so, via the createWithPermissions() method.

use Aedart\Acl\Models\Permissions\Group;
use Aedart\Acl\Models\Role; 

$permissions = Group::findBySlug('flights')->permissions;

$manager = Role::create([
    'slug' => 'flight-manager',
    'name' => 'Flight manager',
    'description' => 'Responsible for managing flight records'
], $permissions);

Grant permissions

The grantPermissions() method allows you to grant one or more permissions to the given role. The method can accept multiple types of permission identifiers:

  • string: permission's unique slug
  • int: permissions unique id (integer)
  • Permission: instance of Permission model
  • Collection: a collection of permission models
  • array: list of permission slugs, ids or models
$role = Role::findBySlug('flight-manager');

// ... Or via array...

$role->grantPermissions([ 'flights.index', '', '' ]);

// ... Or single permission via slug


Revoke permissions

To revoke permissions from an existing role, use the revokePermissions() method. It accepts the same type of arguments as the grantPermissions() method.

$role->revokePermissions([ 'flights.update', 'flights.destroy' ]);

Revoking all permissions

Use the revokeAllPermissions() method to revoke all permissions for given role.


Synchronise permissions

If you require synchronising granted permissions, then use the syncPermissions() method.

// Regardless of what permissions previously were granted,
// the role will now only be granted the given permissions...

For additional information about relations synchronisation, please review Laravel's documentationopen in new window.

Update role with permissions

To update a role's attributes and also grant it permissions, use the updateAndGrantPermissions() method.

$permissions = [ 'flights.index', '' ];

$role = Role::findBySlug('flight-manager');
    'description' => 'Responsible for supervising flight records'
], $permissions);

Update and synchronise permissions

Alternatively, you may also synchronise permissions when updating an existing role.

$permissions = [ 'flights.index', '' ];

$role = Role::findBySlug('flight-manager');
    'description' => 'Responsible for supervising flight records'
], $permissions);

Check role's permissions

When you need to determine whether a role has specific permissions or not, then the following methods can be used.

Has permission

The hasPermission() method returns true, if given permission are granted to the role.

echo $role->hasPermission('flights.update'); // e.g. false (0)

Has all permissions

To determine if a role has multiple permissions granted, use the hasAllPermissions(). The method only returns true, if all given permissions are granted.

echo $role->hasAllPermissions([ 'flights.destroy', '' ]); // e.g. true (1)

Has any permissions

Lastly, to determine if a role has either (one of) of given permissions, use the hasAnyPermissions() method.

// Returns true if either permission is granted
echo $role->hasAnyPermissions([ 'flights.index', '' ]); // e.g. true (1)