
When you wish to attach a file to an issue, you must first upload it to Redmine, so that an attachment token can be obtained.

use Aedart\Redmine\Attachment;

// Upload file, obtain attachment's token
$attachment = Attachment::upload('/path/to/file.pdf');

Create issue with attachment

Later, you can then choose to create a new issue with the uploaded attachment (associates attachment with issue, in Redmine). The createWithAttachments() accepts an array of attachments.

use Aedart\Redmine\Issue;

$attachments = [

$issue = Issue::createWithAttachments([
    'project_id' => 42,
    'status_id' => 1,
    'tracker_id' => 1,
    'subject' => 'Working procedures',
], $attachments); 

Add attachments to existing issue

You may also associate an attachment with an existing issue

Note: The attachment MUST have a token set, or Redmine will NOT perform as desired.


// ...or multiple attachments


Download associated attachments

The Issue resource also allows you to obtain associated attachments, which you can download.

$attachments = Issue::findOrFail(1234, [ 'attachments' ])->attachments;

foreach($attachments as $attachment) {