How to use


To use the Service Registrar, you MUST have an application instance available. The application MUST implement (or inherit from) \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application.

The Athenaeum Core Application meets this criteria.

Create instance

use \Aedart\Service\Registrar;

$registrar = new Registrar($application);

Register a Single Service Provider

Use the register() method to register a single Service Provider. The method accepts a class path or instance, as it's first argument.

use \Acme\Warehouse\Providers\StockServiceProvider;
use \Acme\Warehouse\Providers\TruckServiceProvider;


// Or...

$registrar->register(new TruckServiceProvider($application));

Register Multiple Service Providers

The registerMultiple() allows you to register multiple Service Providers. Just like the register() method, it accepts class paths or instances.

    // Class paths
    // Can also register instance
    new \Acme\Warehouse\Providers\StockServiceProvider($application),


The bootAll() method can be used to boot all Service Providers that have yet to be booted. See Laravel's documentationopen in new window for additional information about the boot method.



If you choose to register additional providers, after already registered providers have been booted, then those newly registered will automatically be booted. Should this behaviour not suit your needs, then you can always disable booting during registration, via the $boot argument for the regsiter() method. The same is true for the registerMultiple() method.

// Register but do not boot
$registrar->register(MyServiceProvider::class, false);

Later, you can always invoke bootAll() to boot those providers that have yet to be booted.

See source code for additional information.