
Set Max Redirects

maxRedirects() allows you to specify the maximum amount of redirect a request should follow.

$response = $client

Unless specified, each Http Client has the maximum of 1 redirect.

Disable Redirects

To disallow request redirects, use the disableRedirects() method.

$response = $client

Via Configuration

You can also set the redirect behaviour via the configuration. This will allow you to specify all of Guzzle's redirect settingsopen in new window.


return [

    'profiles' => [

        'default' => [
            'driver' => \Aedart\Http\Clients\Drivers\DefaultHttpClient::class,
            'options' => [

                'allow_redirects' => [
                    'max' => 1,
                    'strict' => true,
                    'referer' => true,
                    'protocols' => ['http', 'https'],
                    'track_redirects' => false

                // ... remaining not shown ...