
The addCookie() method allows you to add a Http Cookieopen in new window header, to your request. It accepts two arguments:

  • $name: string Cookie's name
  • $value: string (optional) value
$response = $client
        ->addCookie('foo', 'bar')

Alternative Methods

When using the withCookie() method, you can add a cookie via a callback. The callback is provided with a Cookie instance.

use Aedart\Contracts\Http\Cookies\Cookie;

$response = $client
        ->withCookie(function(Cookie $cookie){

Multiple Cookies

withCookies() accepts an array of callbacks or Cookie instances.

use Aedart\Contracts\Http\Cookies\Cookie;

$response = $client
            function(Cookie $cookie){
            function(Cookie $cookie){
            function(Cookie $cookie){

If you need to create Cookie instances, then this can be done via the makeCookie() method.

// Create Cookies
$sessionCookie = $client->makeCookie();

$csrfTokenCookie = $client->makeCookie();
// ...etc

// ...Later 
$response = $client


withCookie() method also accepts a Cookie instance directly.

$response = $client  

To remove an already added cookie, use the withoutCookie() method. It accepts a cookie name as argument.

$builder = $client  