Method Helper

The MethodHelper offers various function and method utilities.


Returns a 'getter' method name for given property

use Aedart\Utils\Helpers\MethodHelper;

$method = MethodHelper::makeGetterName('age');

echo $method; // getAge


Returns a 'setter' method name for given property

use Aedart\Utils\Helpers\MethodHelper;

$method = MethodHelper::makeSetterName('age');

echo $method; // setAge


Invokes the given method and return it's return value, if possible. Otherwise, the whatever value was given will be returned instead.

This helper is useful when not knowing if a callable has already been invoked.

use Aedart\Utils\Helpers\MethodHelper;

$callable = function(){
    return 'Hi there';

$output = MethodHelper::callOrReturn($callable);

echo $output; // Hi there

When method is not a callable

If given method is not a callableopen in new window, then whatever was given will be returned instead.

use Aedart\Utils\Helpers\MethodHelper;

$callable = 'Okay there...';

$output = MethodHelper::callOrReturn($callable);

echo $output; // Okay there...

Passing Arguments

You can state arguments to passed to the callable method, as the second argument.

use Aedart\Utils\Helpers\MethodHelper;

$callable = function(string $name){
    return 'Hi ' . $name;

$output = MethodHelper::callOrReturn($callable, [ 'Ryan' ]);

echo $output; // Hi Ryan