
Inside Laravel

If you are using this component inside a typical Laravel application, then all you have to do, is to register ConfigLoaderServiceProvider. This can be done in your config/app.php file.

return [

    // ... previous not shown ... //

    | Autoload Service Providers

    'providers' => [


        // ... remaining services not shown ... //

Once you have registered the service, you can obtain an instance of the configuration Loader via ConfigLoaderTrait.

use Aedart\Config\Traits\ConfigLoaderTrait;

class MyConfigLoadService
    use ConfigLoaderTrait;
    public function load()
        $loader = $this->getConfigLoader();

Outside Laravel

Should you decide to use this component outside a Laravel application, then you need to setup a few dependencies, before able to load configuration.

use Aedart\Config\Loader;
use Aedart\Config\Parsers\Factories\FileParserFactory;
use Illuminate\Config\Repository;
use Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem;

$loader = new Loader();

$loader->setConfig(new Repository());
$loader->setFile(new Filesystem());
$loader->setParserFactory(new FileParserFactory());