Request / Response Macros

Etags and precondition evaluator components depend on a few Http Request & Response Macrosopen in new window. These are automatically installed by this package's service provider. The following highlights the macros that are installed.

Request Macros


The ifMatchEtags() returns a collection or ETag instances, from the If-Match Http headeropen in new window.

$collection = $request->ifMatchEtags();

if ($collection->isNotEmpty()) {
    // ...remaining not shown ...


Returns a collection or ETag instances, from the If-None-Match Http headeropen in new window.

$collection = $request->ifNoneMatchEtags();

if ($collection->isEmpty()) {
    // ...remaining not shown ...


Returns a DateTimeopen in new window instance of the If-Modified-Since Http headeropen in new window, or null if not set.

$datetime = $request->ifModifiedSinceDate();

if (!is_null($datetime)) {
    // ...remaining not shown ...

Note: The method will return null if the HTTP Method is not GET or HEAD, or if the request contains an If-None-Match header. See RFC-9110open in new window for additional information.


Returns a DateTimeopen in new window instance of the If-Unmodified-Since Http headeropen in new window, or null if not set.

$datetime = $request->ifUnmodifiedSinceDate();

if ($datetime instanceof \DateTimeInterface) {
    // ...remaining not shown ...

Note: The method will return null if the request contains an If-Match header. See RFC-9110open in new window for additional information.


The If-Range Http headeropen in new window is slightly special. It can contain an HTTP-Dateopen in new window or an ETag valueopen in new window. Therefore, the ifRangeEtagOrDate() method will return one of the following:

use Aedart\Contracts\ETags\ETag;

$value = $request->ifRangeEtagOrDate();

if ($value instanceof ETag) {
    // ... not shown ...
} elseif ($value instanceof \DateTimeInterface) {
    // ... not shown ...
} else {
    // "If-Range" was not requested, or "Range" header was not set...

Response Macros


The withEtag() method allows you to set the ETag Http headeropen in new window, from an ETag instance. Note: This method is an adaptation of Symfony's setEtag()open in new window.

use Aedart\ETags\Facades\Generator;
use Illuminate\Http\Response;

$etag = Generator::makeStrong('my-content');

$response = (new Response())


If you need to remove a response's ETag Http header, use the withoutEtag().

$response = (new Response())

// Later in your application - remove ETag


The withCache() method is an adapted version of Symfony's setCache()open in new window, that allows an ETag instance to be specified, along with the rest of the cache headers.

$etag = Generator::makeStrong('my-content');

$response = (new Response())
        etag: $etag,
        lastModified: now()->addHours(3)->addSeconds(43),
        private: true